Her Brown Eyes is My Most Favorite One

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Lauren's Pov

I'm back!!! To being my annoying self, ofcourse. After a few days of being so blue (actually, it lasted for about a week), I decided enough is enough. I don't know, I just really miss my mom so after watching that cassette tape it really triggers every button of my being resulted to me being bluer than blue and me having a fever for 2 days straight. Even so, I'm still happy cause I get to see Camila. Honestly, I don't even know how the hell she found me that night. My mind was completely flying off somewhere that night so I easily forgot that she's just standing right beside me. Camila kissed me on the cheek but I didn't feel it. I was surprised, yes. But the kiss itself, I didn't feel it that much or should I say, I didn't feel it at all which is very unfortunate for me. However, I did felt her warm hug and I get to smell her cinnamon scent (which is my favorite scent now), enough to calm the raging thunderstorm inside of me and enough for me to feel the goosebumps in my stomach.

I only missed out two days of classes and yet I feel like I missed the entire school year. New lessons, new overwhelming formulas which I don't even understand and lots of missed out quizzes resulting me having a grade of 5 which is equivalent to failure.

Luckily, Chrissy let me borrowed her notes so I can answer every missing activities that I missed in those two days. If it weren't for my mom, I won't be here in this quiet library with dozen of Geometry and Calculus books laying on my desk right in front of my face including my empty work sheet that I've been working on for the past 2 hours and yet no progress has been made.

Was it hard? Absolutely, undoubtedly, and 1,000,000% yes! What Professor Grant told us the first time we met him was all true. From 21 students on the first day down to 10 students on the second day. They all shifted course because Civi Engineering is not a fun course and I really agree to that. Studying all these math bullshit is no fun at all.

I took a deep breath before I start analyzing my work sheet from the very beginning, "Okay, first things first, Lauren. Find the easiest one." I murmur under my breath as I scan every questions written on my paper until I found the most easiest one.

21). What is the formula of Product rule and Power rule?

I quickly grab Chrissy's notebook and scan every page of it so I can find what I'm looking for. Lucky for me, I did find it so I quickly write it down.

> Product Rule: (f(x)g(x))' = f(x)'g(x) + f(x)g(x)'
> Power Rule: d/dx(x^n) = nx^n-1

After sitting here literally doing nothing but to make myself having a headache, I finally answered the first one and I'm so happy. At least I'm 2 out of 100, right? Not that bad because in Engineering, having a score of 0 out of 100 is the "new normal" when it comes to this course. And only here in Engineering you will see a student who got 0 and yet they're still happy. And only in this course you'll see a student repeating the same unit over and over and over and over again until they got the remark of "P" on their card. That's how dedicated and passionate engineering students are.

I scan through my paper once again, finding another easy peasy question until I spotted one. Not that easy but not too hard as well.

51). Problem: Two variables are exponentially distributed with rate parameters of A1 (Y1) and A2 (Y2). What is the probability (p) that variable 1 (X1) is a less than variable 2 (X2) in terms of A?

I gather all the materials needed: Scratch paper, scientific calculator, Chrissy's notebook, my pen, and most importantly, my brain.

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