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"Bryan! Bryan!" Someone kept calling me, the voices were loud but I felt it was all in my head maybe because I was lost in thoughts at that moment as I sat in my office.

Having everything one could ever dream of in life -The perfect face and body physique; like that of a model, which made me the dream man of every woman I came across. The perfect job; I was addressed as the youngest billionaire in the States.

All these and many more made me really popular amongst the elites in the society and continuously put me on the tabloids. I also had the perfect friend cycle; yet my life was nothing close to perfect. Something was certainly missing. My name is Bryan Brent and this is my story.

I hadn't noticed the presence in my office as the owner of the voice that's been ringing in my head, but when I looked up, a cold substance splashed across my face down to my shirt, drenching me.

"What the hell!" I shouted angrily and rose to my feet only to meet the eyes of the one person I swore never to have a relationship with - Mrs Mary Brent.

I was so shocked at seeing her that the shock robbed me of my speech; my blood was boiling as raw anger engulfed me. I was so controlling my emotions so I don't create an outburst.

"What in the world are you doing in my office?" I barked at her through gritted teeth, my hands clenched into a fist. She flinched backwards, startled at my actions as I rung Millicent immediately.

I was so angry and mad at Millie at the same time. I had given specific instructions earlier never to let anybody into my office because I didn't want to be disturbed.

I dabbed myself with the towel that was in my office as Mrs Brent gave me a smugly and annoying smile with her arms crossed over her chest; her expressions were only making it difficult for me to control my temper.

Millicent ran in scared and shuddering as she fell to her knees "I'm so sorry sir, I did everything to stop her but she insisted and I couldn't -"

"Oh please, enough of all this drama" Mary scowled at Millie, throwing her hands in the air exasperated as she took a seat. "Must I now get an appointment before seeing my son?" and she turned to me.

"It's urgent Bryan. The reason why I'm here"

"Do I look like I care about your problems? Was that enough reason to throw water on my face? You know how I hate your confrontations? Yet you keep doing them to get me upset" I yelled, still wiping the water off my shirt.

"Bryan, this is important" She retorted, rolling her eyes at me but I ignored her utterances.

"So why do you keep disrespecting and demeaning me? Need I remind you that this is my office, my company, my building and you had no right to go through my security, my secretary, my assistant without a formal appointment" I howled at her more this time.

Every muscle in my body was stiffened as a rock. I picked up my keys and stomped out of the office not wanting to be provoked further. I ignored every eyes and greetings as I got on my private elevator and arrived at my private suite.

Brentarc sat on a twenty story building in Beverly Hills, California. It had different departments. The administrative was on the second floor, my office was on the fifteenth floor and the private suite on the last floor. The suite was a complete apartment with two bedrooms, a kitchen, and parlour.

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now