[56] Part 2

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Bryan sat away from everyone else in Boyce's office. It was like he was on a hot seat. While the rest of us sat away in a way that we rounded him staring intensely at him. Well apart from me and maybe Nora.

"Seriously guys" he chuckled. "Why am I seated here rather than next to my girlfriend? Its segregation"

"Its not funny boo" May said shaking her head. "I cant believe you've been alive all this while and never for once thought about letting your friends know. I think that was unfair" tears gathered in her eyes.

"I'm so so sorry guys. I honestly had good reasons for all my actions. I could have really been dead you know"

"But you're not. This was one crazy stunt you pulled. Bryan can you tell us exactly what happened to you?"Boyce demanded.

Okay, so Bryan was caught in the hospital yesterday when he came to see me, Bridget and Jake.  The scenario was as expected. Everyone thought they had seen a ghost. It took about four good hours convincing them that he was human. The real drama was when May arrived. She literally fainted then kept crying after she was resuscitated.  She clung onto Bryan throughout like a leech  not wanting to let go. But in all everybody was happy that he was alive and back.

Oliver expressed his more, mostly because he thought he was going to loose his two best friends but Heaven smiled on him.

We really caused a scene yesterday in the hospital because of Bryan's appearance but many persons especially the doctors and nurses ignored us mainly because we were in the private wing of the hospital which was more private and secluded.

So apparently,  Boyce decided to invite us all to his house so that Bryan could explain himself since nobody demanded explanation until now.

I was discharged last night, rather than going home, Bryan insisted I go with him to the suite of the hotel where he was presently staying. My father obviously did not object to it neither did i.

So we both came together to Boyce's house. I told him not to mention I was aware that he was alive. I didnt want to look awful in the eyes of everyone - let it be our little secret.  And he promised me that it will stay between us.

Playing along with everyone else wasnt so bad after all. Bryan was yet to answer the question everyone's ear was itching to know.

He cleared his throat. "Sometime ago, a young man visited me in the office, telling me he was my father's son and he had returned to take revenge on my family for killing his mother. I didnt take that threat lightly inasmuch I also didnt believe him.

I knew on the long run that I may have lost everything which may be due to that same threat or just a coincidence.  But I had him investigated and we discovered he had a gang he worked with. So I planted a mole amongst them as my intel who later made me know that Parker was raised by Evans and they were accomplices"

"What? You mean they know each other?" May clarified.

"Yea they do" I quickly responded and Bryan flashed me a smile before he continued.

"The Intel kept updating us of and on every move they made".....

"Wait, Were they the same people who kidnapped Michelle?" Ollie asked.

"Yea, including the attack on Boyce. That was why it was difficult to trace them. Surprisingly one of those days he hinted Morgan that they were planning on murdering me and told him everything explicitly. So when Morgan informed me, I told him we had to play coy to their plan" He chuckled.

"We devised our own plan and ensured it fitted into theirs. On the day of my murder, a man approached me at work to sell Brentarc to him.  His proposition got me very angry that I ended up at the club" He paused and looked at each of us. Everyone was paying keen attention to him.

"We were pre informed on where they were staging my killing and it was on the bridge. So before I went to the club. Morgan handed me a bulletproof vest I wore underneath my cloth. I called Michelle acting like I was drunk and told my location. I was cornered by a sexy vixen at the club, apparently she was the assassin. She tried flirting me and when I kept resisting her she showed me her gun and threatened to shoot if acted funny. She led me out and into my car where her accomplices were waiting for her. Then drove to the bridge and shot at me straight into the water" He exhaled deeply massaging the back of his neck.

"Oh my God! May whimpered. "Really?"

"Yea" he nodded.

"How did you survive the bridge then?" Boyce's voice filtered through the room.

"I took a pill that knocks one out for days at the bar. It makes one appear dead as it ceases the breath for sometime. Prior to the shoot, we had also gone ahead and paid sea divers to lurk around the bridge. No sooner they shot me in the water, you guys arrived. So when they were trying to contact sea divers, it was easy since the ones we paid were on standby. They came around and rescued me and my body was taken to the morgue"

"So how did you escape the morgue because I'm very certain, it was your body lying in there? May questioned.

He chuckled. "Yea. The drug effect hadn't worn out even when my corpse was deposited at the morgue. So everyone saw me dead but after then, was when I made my escape"

"And your funeral?"

"It was an empty casket that was why it remained closed during the funeral".

"So where have you been hiding all this while?"

"Many places but specifically New York."

"New York " May shot me a suspicious look with a furrowed brow and a narrowed eyes like she was putting together pieces of a puzzle.

I looked at her confused before I spoke up distracting the attention she was creating.

"Why did you wait for this long to reveal yourself baby?" I asked Bryan. He gave me a quick stare folding his arms across his chest as he relaxed backward.

"Many times I wanted to tell the world that I was alive yet I felt it was an opportunity given to me from above and i needed to make good use of it. So I stayed away this long to find out who my enemy really was, what he wanted, defeat him and get back to my feet"

"Did you achieve that?" Boyce asked with a serious tone.

"I did to a reasonable extent. Evans is the enemy. My downfall was not a coincidence, it was part of his plan. Boyce's frame up was not a coincidence. It was part of his plan and now Bridget's accident is not a coincidence,  it is part of his plan"

"What" Everyone shouted in unison eyes and mouth wide opened.

"But why?" Nora probed further.

"That's not so clear yet but I think he feels my father cheated and sidelined him when he was alive"

"Everyone thought he was dead, does that mean he had been planning his revenge all along?"

"I think so"

"Yes  he has" I cut through. "Quentin told me how he approached him back in London and asked him to work with him. So yes it's been ten whole years of plotting"

Afterwards, it was an emotional moment for all if us. We later agreed to inform the police that Evans should be held as a suspect for the attempted murder of Bridget and Jake.

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now