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I opened my eyes to the unfamiliar environment, with my eyes roaming around the room; I hardly took a good look around last night. Perhaps because it was late or maybe because I got so worked up.

When I turned to my side, Bryan was sleeping peacefully, gosh he was handsome…. his body was perfect, I couldn’t resist not staring coupled with the thoughts of last night.

I bit my lower lips imagining how many ladies would kill to be me right now. Was I fortunate? Lucky? Or what? In all, I was glad that I was here with him.

“Stop staring, I know you can’t get enough of me” he teased smiling. “Come here” He drew me closer to him and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me up onto himself. “You’re beautiful cupid”, he tugged some strands of hair that were fallen to my face behind my ear. “Last night was magical” and he kissed my lips.

I blushed and whispered “Can we do it again?"

He looked stunned. “Really, because trust me; I could spend my whole day and entire life time with you." He pulled me in for a kiss again.

"Nah, am kidding" I laughed softly slapping  his torso.  Besides I was still very sore from last night. I had never felt the way I did last night. He made me feel like I'd been sex starved all my life.

It was epic and magical. Bryan was awesome. He was great. He was a gentleman. He was a lover. I couldnt believe that I will be thinking about all these, better yet feeling them happening to me. My body had no regrets in craving him. He was my ultimate addiction.

We both stayed in bed for some good hours talking, chatting and ignoring every distraction from our phones before showering and heading downstairs for lunch having skipped breakfast.

Bryan gave me one of his shirts to wear as we headed down. The scent on the shirt was so strong and I couldn't resist not been aroused.

“Mr. Brent, I’m so pleased to see you this excited. It’s been a while we’ve seen you this happy" Sarah, his cook observed.

“Thanks Sarah, that’s because I’ve found an angel that, has lighted up my life. Then he gave me a glance and smiled.

After eating, He gave me a complete tour of his mansion and ofcourse the estate and finally introduced me to all his domestic staffs and all lived in the estate with him.

Mondays were usually very busy at Brentarc Group. It always ushered in a very long week of activities coupled with the fact that the company had a huge project on deck.

A board meeting was scheduled for all the heads of department and board of directors at the conference room which was situated at the sixteenth floor of the building.

There were about twelve departments in the company; Administrative, Legal, Human Resource, Planning/business strategy, IT, Safety, Quality assurance, Security, Storage, Project. Travels/logistics and Finance/accounts.

Millicent walked in to the conference room, with folders in her hands. Everyone was properly sitted. I guess her presence signaled the arrival of Mr. Brent.

Barely ten minutes later, he walked in wearing a serious face with so much poise.
Everyone rose to their feet to accord him some respect as he took his seat at the head of the table.

He scanned across the room looking at the faces seated down one after the other and then his eyes fell on me.

He looked shocked and chuckled before comporting himself and carried on with the meeting.

So why was I attending the meeting when I was neither a head of department nor a director. Good question: Barr. David Hawkins, my head was on an official trip, so he asked me to represent him.

This meeting was a very crucial one, primarily to hear the project department’s presentation on the new contract, the company just secured. The task was to design and develop an estate on several hectares of land in Lagos, Nigeria.

Everyone was impressed with their presentations because it fitted perfectly into what the clients wanted. Later on, the blueprint was revealed. Everybody was awed. I just smiled because i knew it was Bryan’s signature. No other person could design it better than he.

Questions started popping up and were directed to the presentation team. Having listened carefully to them, I had a lot I wanted to ask too but I couldn’t. Maybe I was shy or I felt I shouldn’t be here in the first place or probably since it was my first time. People usually said it was good to observe your environs first especially when it was your first time there.

Initially when I came in, I felt a little uncomfortable not until Bryan walked in that I relaxed my tensed and anxious muscles.

Mostly because of the caliber of persons that were present there. So I just kept my questions to myself and continued stealing gazes at my boyfriend.

Gosh, he looked so hot and handsome in the black suit he wore. His hair was brushed to the back revealing those dark grey eyes and dimpled face. Plus the way he presided the meeting with so much calm and astuteness was second to none.

No wonder, everyone loved him. I must confess Bryan was a complete gentleman. I watched as he kept talking and could swear his eyes were also all over me too.

Afterwards, the meeting ended successfully. Though the meeting had ended, some persons remained exchanging pleasantries while some others were having a brief discussion with Bryan.

For me, I just sat back organizing the documents infront of me before taking my leave.

Surprisingly, Bryan walked up to me. “Hey beautiful” he smiled and slightly tilted to rest his butt against the table beside me. I looked up shyly.  Then he continued “I see that you really can’t get enough of me," he chuckled.

I stood up to face him. “Sorry boss, but I’m only representing my head who is currently indisposed" I eyed him, picked up my folder to walk out when he dragged me back trapping me in between his thighs.

“Hmm, I see, but David could have sent any other staff but you. I guess you lobbied your way”, he teased me “but you know what, I love it, any excuse to be around me sounds pleasant". And he planted a soft kiss on my lips. I thought it was going to be brief but his tongue was pushing it's way into my mouth.

I tried pulling away but his grip on my waist was strong. “I thought we were been discreet about our relationship” I eyed him. “You don’t want to give your employees and probably the media a news headline”.

“Oh trust me, with you; I want to be on the news headline every day” he said with a smirk on his face.

“Bryan, C’mon quit joking, what if someone was spying on us?” I asked worried.

“Spying. Nah". He waved it off with his hands. “Not with the security guards standing outside the door. Besides, I want to take you with me this weekend to Nigeria. This is a huge project for me and I want you by my side all the way." He rubbed my face with his thumbs.


“Shhh", he silenced me. “Remember you said, last time you were gonna think about it. So I’m giving you up till Wednesday to get a reply. Ok?”

“Ok”, I nodded and we kissed again more passionately before heading out of the conference room.


Thanks for reading guys... This chapter is somewhat short..... I hope you enjoy it.

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