[51] Part 3

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Parker finally sent the details to Quentin after waiting for almost two weeks. I was back from New York and had already done the underground work. Speaking and convincing Bridget wasnt so difficult. Glad she turned down that movie shooting otherwise she wouldn't have been here but rather on set.

But we had a little problem. The address where Parker choose was a remote and dangerous community that was popularly dominated by gangs and drug Lords.
What was he thinking? I guessed he had his own plans too. He really did not trust Quentin and he has proved that again. He wants the delivery to be done in two days time.

"What do we do?" I looked up at Quentin who was sitted infront of me eating  pasta with egg sauce.

He looked at me rather confused." What do you mean by what do we do? We go with his plan."

"Quentin, I'm feeling it might be too dangerous".

"Oh trust me, danger was what you signed in for when you decided to pull this off on your own. Is someone scared" he smirked.

"Pffft. Idiot. You think I'm afraid? I'm just worried that's all."

"Then do your job well and we wont have any hitches love" he smirked.

"Fuck off Quentin and I mean it" I said with a scowl on my face, rising to my feet and walking out of the restaurant.


Hey Mich. So we will be leaving for Dubai in two days.. Flight ticket already booked. Hotel already booked. Just get yourself over here. *winks*

My eyes widened as I read the message over and over again. My fears were becoming reality.

How do I pull this off?  I didnt want to disappoint May neither did I want to jeopardize a plan I've worked so hard for.

I needed to come up with an excuse very fast. Apparently that's what I've been doing lately - coming up with excuses here and there either to make a trip to New york or to carry out a plan and now I was about to dodge from my bridesmaid duty which I very much signed up off hoping that there wont be any clashes.

Should I say I'm sick or that I'm  making an official trip. Nah. May would never like this at all but why does it have to be on the same day.

Maybe I should just let her in on everything. Besides she was family. But then how would she take it. I was yet to make up with Nora and then Bryan on one side was so mad at me.

This last trip to New York was one of my worst. I knew Bryan easily gets pissed off at things but this new anger was on a brand new level.

I apologized and kept apologising to him about giving room to Nora to discover about him till I returned a week ago yet he didnt oblige or acknowledge me. I dont think I'm ready to add up to the already burning flame.

I picked my phone and texted May.

"Hii May, got your message about our trip. Woah! I'm super excited for it. Been dreaming about it every single day but unfortunately my timing is wrong. You know I have an appointment with the judge who is handling Boyce's appeal in two days time. So please can we move our trip forward. I know it's so much to ask but I will really appreciate it"

Hours later, I was done with work for the day. I was about leaving the office when Seven summoned me to his office. He wanted to know to what extent I had followed up with Boyce's appeal. After explaining and briefing things to him, he suggested we take our time and not be in a hurry so that we dont make further mistakes. Agreeing to his terms, I stood up and left his office.

We needed to fast track our plans because I'm sure once Parker is caught, there will be no need for the appeal.


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