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The trip to Nigeria was quite fruitful. After about sixteen hours on the air, we finally landed at the airport. Michelle and Millicent had accompanied me on the journey. Nigeria was a nice country- I mean their cultural heritage was a sight to behold.

Our project was to take place in the Lekki area of Lagos. So we were checked into a five star hotel in the state.  Our team visited the land which has already been surveyed, so all we did was to do the mapping of the land which was practically taken us much time given to the fact that we were looking at about three hundred hectares of land. It was a very tedious work but that’s what we do. Since I had a lot of capable hands on my team, I decided to return back to the states because I had loads of work on my table which included finding a way to meet with my brother who was arrested.  Besides, Michelle was already missing home.

Before we boarded the flight back, Morgan had already called to inform me that I have been giving clearance to see Boyce. It actually made me relieved to know that few persons still owed me some favour.

Once we descended from the plane, there was a team of bodyguards already present with a car waiting to pick us up so we started walking down towards the car. I put my arms across Michelle’s lower back and pulled her close to me as we walked.  She gave me an approved smile while Millicent walked behind us.

“Welcome back Boss, Miss Jones” Morgan bowed respectfully as he opened the door to the car for us to get in. Then I turned to face Michelle “Cupid, would you want to go home or would you want to join me?” I asked her tugging some strands of hair behind her ears.

“Are you sure I can stay away from you” she whispered softly staring into my eyes.

I chuckled. “Ok, that means only one thing, you know”

“Which is?”

“You’re gradually becoming my companion for life and it’s a good thing” I smiled and drew her in for a warm kiss before she got into the car.

“Thank you Morgan", I nodded. Miss Jones will ride with me while Millie rides with you  I instructed him and hopped into the car.

“Gerald, Lets go to CCC” I told him sounding somewhat impatient. They were holding Boyce in that correctional facility and I wanted to see him before going home.

The fact that he was denied bail and visitors was what I could not fathom. What happened to his human rights? I thought about it as we drove off.

“Hey, everything’s going to be ok” she squeezed my hands gently.  I gave her a sideways glance and smiled.

These few weeks I had known her seemed like we’ve been together for a lifetime- which obviously I wanted to spend with her.  

Just as she couldn’t resist being with me or around me, that was the exact same way, I felt. I always wanted to have her around me at all times.  She seems to know a lot about me – and when I say a lot, I’m talking about things that are not pronounced to the public. 

This trip however made us closer, despite the fact that I was practically on the field everyday. I ensured that a little time was squeezed out to catch a little fun. We talked a lot about ourselves, families, past relationships, present relationship, goals, dreams and aspirations.


The environment of the correctional facility was quiet as i walked in with Michelle. It felt like the inmates were resting because none was insight.

A middle aged warden approached us with a broad smile on his face “You’re welcome Mr. Brent he said shaking my hand.  “Thank you I replied as he led us into an office “Please have a seat, you will speak with Senator Brent soon he said and walked out.

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now