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The news of Bryan's return spread like wild fire even beyond the shores of America immediately the press conference was released.

ABC, Nora's company was the only media house that had the privilege of hosting Bryan on a live broadcast in their studio after the conference and Nora was the anchor of the program.

It felt so good watching her on my screen, not just her but also the man of my dreams sitting with so much poise and confidence in the wine red three piece suit he wore.

I missed the live broadcast so I decided to watch the replay. I and Bryan were both lying on the couch, my head resting on his chest with our legs intertwined while his hands stroked my hair gently. We were still stuck in the hotel suite as plans were ongoing for him to get back his properties that his mother stubbornly seized; specifically his house and his office complex.

They were under lock and key and not even in use yet. Thankfully, the buyers of the office complex were yet to finalise discussions and payments. So it was easier to get Brentarc back was gotten back and renovation plans were ongoing on it including Bryan's estate.

"I'm so happy about the way things are turning out" I mumbled leaning toward his chest while my hands traced circles on his abs.

"Me too" he smiled. "And you know what's great about it all?" he asked me.

"No" I shook my head.

"That you're still with me" he smiled.

"Awww" I moaned. "You know I love you so much. Honestly I never knew I had such strength in me" I smiled. "Everything is back to normal. I have you by my side. That's what's most important to me" I said and brought my face closer to his slowly. He cupped my cheeks in his hands and kissed me. We kissed so deep and passionately. But was interrupted when my phone rang.

Who could it be and why at this auspicious moment. Bryan stretched his hands and picked up the phone with our mouths still locked together. I ensured he ignored the distraction as I was getting really horny but he preferred to hand the phone over to me. I peered into it and saw Mabel on facetime.

We pulled away from each other to enable me answer the call. Mabel was on a book tour in Europe. I guess she got the news and decided to get clarity by calling me.

"Hey Sissy" she giggled.

"Hii Mab" I smiled. "How are you and how's the tour going?" I inquired.

She smiled sheepishly. "Im very fine and tour is going well. Just a bit stressful though but I love it. It's a whole new feeling for me"

"Interesting. I'm glad that you're enjoying it"

"What's this news I'm hearing about Bryan. Is it true?" She inquired arching a brow.

"Yup" I blushed from ear to ear.

She screamed in excitement. "Wait, you're saying Bryan has been alive all this while? What?" She screamed. "And he is finally back"

"Yea" I blushed harder.

"Oh Sissy. I'm so happy for you" she giggled tearing up. "Is he with you? Can I see him? Can I talk to him? Please"

I laughed hysterically. "Okay, okay. He is here with me and uhmmm..... " I rolled my eyes. "Yes you can see and talk to him but first when is tour your ending?"

"Are you missing me?"

"Ofcourse I am. I mean look at you Mab, being a celebrity overnight. Its awesome".

"I know right. I still cannot believe it. Anyways I've got two months more to be back. I have an idea for my next book already and i cant wait to start writing it".

"Oh really. That's great. So what is it about?"

"Cant say now but I promise when I'm back I'll let you read the draft"

"Promise" I reiterated .

"Yup. So now can you put Bryan up. I cant wait to talk with him".

"Okay" I said and called out to Bryan. He came and spoke with Mabel. Their conversation was so long so I just left them to it and looked for something else to keep myself busy with while I waited for Bryan.

We had plans of going to see the stalker who has been stalking my life. Morgan was able to trace the number to a young guy though we are yet to know his identity.

Having Bryan back and around made me feel safe and dispelled all of my fears. I couldnt wait to find out who was behind the threats.

Three hours later, we were on our way to where Morgan was holding the stalker guy. Boyce had insisted earlier that Bryan moved with lots of security which he declined. He stuck to only the driver and two body guards.

When we arrived, I was shocked to discover that my stalker was an eighteen year old boy.

"What the hell" I shouted lifting up the boys chin with my hands. "Do you know me? I asked shooting him a fiery look from eyes.

"No" he shook his head afraid.

"Then how did you get my number?" I asked before Bryan cut me through changing my line of questioning.

"What's your name?" He asked quite harshly.

"Lucas......" he stammered. "Please dont hurt me" he begged. "I only wanted to help myself"

"Help yourself? How?" Bryan asked puzzled. Lucas bent his head down, tears streaming down. He refused to say anything.

"What did you discover?" Bryan asked Morgan.

"Hes an orphan living with his aged grandmother. He doesn't go to school neither does he do any sort of work. He was hired by Quentin Brown."

At the mention of he name I shouted. "What! Quentin? How? But he's in prison" I kept wondering in thoughts.

Bryan kept staring at me and I could swear I knew what was going through his mind.

"Can you believe that psycho?" He muttered, his eyes still on me.

I ran my hands through my hair. "C'mon babe, please dont give me that look. How was I supposed to know?"

He smirked. "How were you supposed to know. Are you seriously asking me that. I wished you listened to me" he said pressing his lips with a slight frown. Then he turned to face Lucas.

I knew he was disappointed. I dont know why I trusted him that much. Was I attracted to him or what. - nah. It cant be attraction. I closed my eyes and squeezed tightly a little angry at myself. Then I heard Bryan's voice still questioning Lucas.

"Why did Quentin hire you to stalk my girlfriend?" he asked with a cold tone.

"He said that she owed him something valuable" he answered.

"Something valuable" he muttered and looked at me wearing a confused look. "What was the meaning of that?" He made reference to what Lucas said.

"What? I dont know.....I dont know what Quentin is talking about." I defended. Bryan's facial muscles were tightening and I understood that moment, he was trying not to get angry. Then he shouted louder making us quiver. "What the hell do you owe Quentin?".

Then I remembered the promise I made to him if he helped us lure Parker so he could be arrested. I promised him I will do anything he wants. I explained it to Bryan and he flared up in anger. We inquired from Lucas what Quentin really wanted. He said Quentin wants me to pay him a visit in prison only then will he tell me.

"You're not stepping an inch to see that psycho." Bryan warned sternly. "Morgan will take care of this including Quentin's demand. As for you", he turned to Lucas, "You know stalking is a criminal offense? Thank your stars I'm still in my very good mood, otherwise I would have you locked up but no, rather than arrest you, you will work for me."

Immediately he said that, Lucas face lighted up and he smiled nodding. "Thank you so much Sir... yes I will work for you, anything you want me to do. I will do as long as its legit." He said crying.

He instructed Morgan on what to do and we both left. I had to apologise a million times to him owing to the fact that he was angry with me.

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