[40] Part 1

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The last time I had panicked this way was when Mabel called me about my mother’s accident. Bryan's voice sent me panicking. Was he okay?

He just gave me a distress call from a bar at this ungodly time of the night. Where was Morgan or Gerald? I had been waiting at home worried even though I was busy working on my laptop. I had a court appearance in three days’ time and also a visit to make with Nora.

My whole body was shaking as I threw on a loosed black blouse and a pair of jean. I loosened my hair to fall to my back and shoulders. The night was cold so I grabbed a coat ontop and started for the door.

Was I going to drive there by myself. It was pretty late and I became a little agitated so I dialled Taylor. In a few minutes time he was out front waiting by my car.

"Barcode" I told him as I jumped Into the back seat. It was quite a distance to the club so I decided to call Oliver just incase it was something worse than i can handle.

I would have opted for May, but recently i started feeling an ounce of jealousy whenever she was around Bryan.

Although, there were no strings between them but even at that. My instincts knew that she cared about him so much and that informing Oliver was like literally telling May.

I quickly ended the call as I started a conversation with Taylor to keep my head busy.

"Umhm, Taylor" I called out in a soft voice and he groaned.

"Yes Ms Jones"

"Do you know where they're keeping the guy who tried to kidnap me?" I was practically asking of Quentin.

He nodded. "Yes but if you will want to see him alone, you will have to get the boss's approval"  My jaws and my fists tighened. Was he being serious now, "Actually I just wanted to know the address, nothing much" I smiled tensely.

"OK ma'am" he said "whenever you want it"

We pulled into the parking lot, there were lots of cars in there which meant the club must be pretty full. I dialled Bryan's number a million times but there was no response. how was i going to find him?

As Taylor parked the SUV, i beckoned on him to join me into the club to make our search for Bryan easier. This was the same club he ran into his ex-girlfriend last time, I hope she wasnt here again, my thoughts travelled.

I stepped inside the building with loud music playing and people on the dance floor. The bar areas were filled, the lounges were also filled with people. I wondered what joy people derived in clubbing and ending up with busted ear drums and chronic head aches.

I searched for Bryan around even pushing through the crowd of drunk and possessed persons on the dance floor. I had earlier nodded for Taylor to take the right wing while I settled with the left wing. Splitting up would make the search easier.

After about thirty minutes of searching, we both met out front, no trace of Bryan. I looked at the time he called me to when I got here, it was barely an hour and thirty minutes. So where had he disappeared to? I tried his number again, still no response.

I felt my body heat up instantly, my temperature rose, my body was shaking, it was like my legs couldnt carry my body, I needed to sit down.

Taylor had to help back to sit in the car. Ok, now was the time to call Oliver. I dialled his number like thrice before he finally picked.

"Hey Michelle, everything alright?" his voice was coarse and deep maybe from sleeping.

"I cant find Bryan" I spoke breathing hard into the phone. I could feel his voice been tensed up.

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now