[50] Part 1

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I paced around the room nervously. I didn't know if this plan was going to go well. The more I thought of it, the more I felt nauseated. I hope Parker never recognizes me.

It's been close to a month, the police have been looking for him everywhere. They had the sketched picture of him put up as a wanted criminal. So obviously he would be into serious hiding.

I jerked almost jumping out of my skin as my phone rang. I answered the call. It was Morgan. I told him where I was.

So I was waiting for him to deliver Quentin to me. I knew Bryan would never like the idea that involved Quentin, which was why I didn't tell him because I preferred to do it my way rather than his. His had the potential of blowing my cover.

Quentin was still very much under the custody of the FBI but I needed his help. Also, I really wanted to share the secret of Bryan being alive with someone too. The confidentiality was killing me especially when I find myself in a discussion involving Bryan. Since I knew he wasn't dead, I just remained silent rather than join the conversation.

I wanted to tell Nora but Bryan had warned me sternly reminding me that Nora was a journalist. Even though I defended that I could trust her with my life he still objected to the idea. But my instincts kept pushing to tell her. So I called her and told her I wanted to discuss something very important with her. She'd been away on an official trip for almost three weeks but she was back and had been busy preparing her report.

Morgan was taking so much time in getting here. Why? I helped myself to a glass of water as I looked out through the window.

Staring out of the window, I began reminiscing about my life, how it was like two years ago. I was done with law school and just applied to Brentarc. I didn't even know I was going to get accepted.

The caliber of persons who attended the interview almost made me lose confidence and faith in myself. I didn't remember seeing Bryan amongst the panel of interviewers that day. I think his vice represented him or something but after the interview, I told myself I was going to be accepted because I performed excellently well. So when I got the acceptance mail, it was like I just got a ticket to heaven because many persons craved to work there. I smiled as I shook myself out of the thought to open the door.

"Hello Love. Missed me?" Quentin said with a smirk on his face as he tried to pull me by my waist. I slapped his hands away.

"Careful Quentin and remove that stupid smirk off your face" I eyed him and turned to Morgan.

He bowed "Ms. Jones. How have you been ma'am?" he asked me looking away from my eyes. Come to think of it, as I stared at Morgan's face, he was really handsome with short black hairs and dark brown eyes and a well chiseled face.

"I'm doing great Morgan. And how are you too?" I questioned back.

He gave a side smile. "I'm fine ........"

He wanted to continue but I cut him off "Don't worry about him, I will make it faster. "But Morgan I will also be needing your help."

"Anything for you Ma'am" he smiled and walked out as I shut the door behind us to talk to Quentin.

"Seriously love, you've gotta stop bringing me to a hotel room if you are not going to make me feel you" Quentin mumbled as he threw himself ontop the bed.

"Put your acts together Quentin. Nothing is going to happen between us" I shot back at him sitting on the couch.

Then he sat up on the bed with a smirk on his face and a dilated pupil. "Says the woman who wants my help. Even though you refuse to admit it love, there is something already going on between us and I know you can feel it deep within you."

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now