[40] Part 2

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The whole room was dark when I opened my eyes. I was lying on the bare floor. I mustered up the courage to get up and looked around for any source of light or a switch or a window.

As I moved around, touching from wall to wall, my hands felt a handle, it was very cold, out of excitement, I pulled it down and the it swung open into a lighted hallway.

I was supposed to be afraid because the whole place felt empty so I called out "Helo.......Hello" and there was no response.

I started down the hall way slowly moving my eyes from the left to the right side, the hallway looked very long since I felt I've been moving for almost fifteen minutes and still there was no end and there was no single door.

All of a sudden, I heard a rattling noise, I stopped and turned back, there was nothing nor anyone.

As I looked forward and continued, I felt a cold wind rush past me. Next I started shivering, was it really cold? not until now, I was sweating profusely.

I managed myself till I got to the front of a door, it was slightly opened... I tiptoed to have a peep inside. The room was poorly lighted, there were three men inside, one was tied to a chair with his hair bent down so I couldn't figure out his face. His legs were also tied while his hands were tied behind.

The other two men stood afar off chatting and laughing. Suddenly, my hands mistakenly brushed the door and it shrieked the men turned their heads at once staring at my direction; I shifted from the door resting on the wall and holding in my breath.

I heard their voices "You think someone is there", one asked.

"Nah, maybe it's just air making the door shriek", the other replied.

"Oh my God", I whispered releasing my breathe when I didn't hear any footsteps. Who were these guys? Who did they have tied to the chair and where was i really? All these questions flooded my head.

I wanted to continue walking down the hallway probably till I found the end of it but the curious part of me wanted to stay and find out what was really going on?

I slid down the wall and sat with my back resting on it while thinking of a plan.

Suddenly I heard footsteps but they weren't coming from inside the room. I tuned my hearing senses intently so I could hear the direction of the sound when I saw two shadows appear on the wall. One belonged to a woman and the other to a man.

They walked past me and pushed the door opened. At first I was shaking for fear of being caught but when they passed me without noticing my presence when I was just infront of them, I decided to check myself.

What just happened? How did they not see me?

"Oh my God", I panicked Was I a ghost? Probably I was dead maybe that was why I felt that cold wind rush earlier? My head spun and spun until a loud thud from the room brought me back to reality.

"The room" I said and turned to look inside, this time the door was opened wide. If I was really invisible that means I could walk in now and observe what was going on without anyone seeing me, with that conviction I entered the room.

One of the men who I assumed were guards was standing infront of the one tied to the chair. He was trying to lift his head up but the guy kept struggling to keep his head bent down so he was releasing punches into his face.

I closed my eyes with my hands because I couldnt watch, whenever he punched him, blood, saliva and sweat usually accompanied it. It continued for a while till the woman raised up her hands motioning for him to stop. She then asked them to untie the guy.

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now