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Bryan returned from Nigeria after five days but he was really busy. He didn’t even call to tell me he was back and he hasn’t even been home since he got back and it’s already been two days. I heard from two of our staffs in the wash room that it looked like he was staying at his suite in the office.

I had even tried to contact him but his calls kept diverting to voicemail. How bad was it? I felt he was going overboard with this. He was making me feel irrelevant. Was he pushing me away because of this problem? I swear if he really was, then he is playing with fire because then I’m gonna show him that I’m not one to toil with.

“Ms. Jones” David Hawkins, my head called me out of my thoughts.

“Sir,” I slowly lifted my head off the desk gazing over at him fixedly. I hope he doesn’t make a fuss about me resting my head. I seriously cannot work because I can’t concentrate.

“There’s a meeting briefing right now in the company’s conference room”

I was surprised. “Meeting but when……..” Mr. Hawkins cut me off.

“It’s an impromptu one Mr. Brent called with only the legal department, Ten minutes.” he hinted and walked away.

What was that? Bryan was calling a legal department meeting. Then it must be serious. But wait- how do I face my boyfriend that has been ignoring me for days now. I don’t think I can attend that meeting. In as much as I was going crazy over him, I was still very angry at him for treating me like trash. Maybe I could say I have diarrhea and boycott the meeting. Fuck, Hawkins had already seen me. I had better come up with something now or risk attending the meeting.

Michelle…. Five minutes gone. What is it gonna be? The voice in my head kept popping up. You need to muscle up courage and attend that fucking meeting. Act like you don’t know him. Ignore his eyes, I warn Michelle, do not fucking look at his eyes.


I strolled into the conference room where my colleagues were all seated. This was like the second time I was coming here for a meeting. I hurriedly rushed to a seat that was very close to Ian when I noticed that I was the last person form the department to come in. The legal department had thirty staffs; twenty lawyers and ten admin staffs posted there.

Few minutes later, Bryan walked in with two men and Millicent. His face looked pale and emaciated. He must have really had it tough back in Nigeria.

After we greeted him, he informed us about what transpired and how they tried to reach an agreement with the clients but it seemed their minds were already made up. The clients said that they felt we were too expensive after a careful thought that was why they were withdrawing the contract. The most heartbreaking of all was that they were not going to compensate nor complete their payment.

The agreement stated that they pay 30% upfront to begin the project, 50% midway the project and then 20% upon completion of the project. Brentarc had already gone ahead and acquired more than 90% of all the materials that will be needed to actualize the work.

This meant that, if Safe Haven Properties are refusing to pay for damages and atleast the midway percentage amount, Brentarc will run into bankruptcy.

Brentarc wants a lawsuit against them for breach of agreement. That was why Bryan had called the meeting. It was time for the legal department to take action without clemency.

Ok, so far the meeting was going well for me though until Ian decided to ask a stupid an annoying question that made Bryan very furious. Looking at him that was the first time his gaze came to my direction. If I hadn’t known better, I could have said he was avoiding me but I was glad.

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now