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The drive, home was so noisy as I and Bryan kept analysing the whole party and laughing. I was mildly drunk but he wasnt.

I noticed he didnt drink much at the party unlike him. Maybe because he had the intention of driving us back home. But then why did Morgan, Taylor and Megan ride together behind us? Sometimes I find his actions difficult to understand.

It was two am in the morning when we arrived at the mansion.

Bryan lifted me up from the car bridal style while kissing me as we headed straight for our bedroom. He laid me gently on the bed. My pulse raced with anticipation.

He set aside his suit jacket and climbed ontop of me, kissing and caressing my neck. I loosened his ties and unbuttoned his perfectly starched white shirt as he unzipped the back of my dress.

I sucked in a breath and gazed at him. His six pack abs killed me everytime. I spent a few moments caressing him from shoulders to hips, enjoying the feeling of his taut muscles beneath my hand and the way his breath grew quicker.

He leaned down and whispered in my ear "Now it's my turn to admire you". He unbuckled my sandals and helped me out of them, leaving me wearing only my bra and panties.

I felt his eyes rake over my body and watched the heat rising in them. I leaned up towards him eagerly and he uncooked my bra and slid off my panties. The look on his face made me feel adored "You're gorgeous", he said running his hands over me slowly as if to savour the way I felt.

His touch ignited a fire in me and I was desperate for more. He stripped off the rest of his clothes like he couldnt wait for us to be as close as possible.

Finally, he was ontop of me and I couldnt get over how lucky I was that this perfect man was mine. Then i whispered "I love you" and ran my hands through his hair just as his hips met mine and he pushed into me.

"I love you Cupid", forever and always" he answered as our bodies rocked together.

"Are you mine?" He asked in a voice so low, it was almost a growl.

"Yes", I moaned, tilting my head back so he could lay a row of kisses along my neck.

A while later, we peeled away from each other, both gasping for breath and my limbs feeling loosed and heavy with pleasure.



I woke up to my phone ringing. when I picked it up, it was Millicent.

"Millie what is it? I spoke with a hoarse voice, pulling my hands from under Mich's body. She was beautiful as she slept. Her body was an epitome of perfection.

"Sir, its Boyce"

"What about Boyce?” I asked sitting up straight on the bed.

"He is in the hospital", she spoke trembling.

"What do you mean, in the hospital, as far as am concerned, Boyce has been under house arrest in his home for almost a month now" I reminded her.

"I know, but its all over the news. Looks like he was attacked last night and now hes been rushed to the hospital" She sounded apprehensive.

"What" I hung up and immediately picked up the tv remote and turned on the television.

Senator Brent in critical condition.

I flipped to a second channel

Senator Boyce: Dies before Judge's Verdict

The whole tv channels were going crazy. My phone kept ringing, calls from my mother, Bridget and friends were coming in.

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now