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"What the hell happened to Michelle?" I asked Gerald, who was slightly bleeding from the bullet that grazed his arms. The rest of the guys stood there confused about the situation.

"The last thing she told me was that she wanted to get air" Sean remarked "but I could have gone with her, perhaps all this wouldn't have happened" he blamed himself.

"It’s not your fault Sean, stop being too hard on yourself." May rubbed his arms.

"Guys, let's calm down a little, maybe we could find a trail or something" Jake muttered.

I scoffed. "Trail? You say. How? Tell me how we can tell this to her father or her sister. How can we even fucking tell Bryan's spirit that we lost his girlfriend on the day of his funeral" I slammed my fist on the car's trunk angrily.

"Hey guys" Bridget called out  hurrying to where we stood agitated. "What am I hearing? Michelle kidnapped, No.....No..." She cried out turning to Gerald "What happened to her and where the hell is Megan? Was she not supposed to be guarding Michelle?"

Just then Megan walked in. "We’ve searched everywhere, we couldn't find her".

"Megan, you said what?" Bridget turned to her frantically "You were supposed to be watching over her, so why did you lose her?" She barked.

"I'm sorry ma'am, Miss Jones asked me not to escort her outside since she was just going to stand by the exit. So....."


That was the next thing we heard on Megan's face. Jake grabbed Bridget by the arms "Babe, No.... It hasn't gotten to this" he tightened his grip on her.

"Ugh! Jake let me be" she winced in pain still focused on Megan "Next time, do the job you're paid to do" she pointed her fingers at her warning her sternly as Jake pulled her over to a corner.

"Its ok love, please you have to remain calm to be able to think clearly"

"I'm sorry.....” I will put in more efforts" Megan apologized bowing her head.

We stood there for moments, trying to come up with something - anything or clue. "What if it was Mrs. Brent that had  kidnapped her, remember she never really wanted her here anyway" May uttered.

"We can’t rule that fact out but Gerald said, the guys were masked and they rode in a black van" Sean retorted.

I ran my hand continuously through my hair, stroking the nape of my neck only to see Nora, Mabel and Mr. Jones walking out of the garden towards our direction.

They were engrossed in a discussion but once we broke the news to them, Nora broke down in tears. Mr. Jones was devastated and Mabel just stood there speechless and shaking with tears steaming down her cheeks. I had to draw her into a hug while patting her back as I comforted her.

"We've informed the police and they've assured us they're on their way"  I informed them.

Then Nora spoke up, her eyes filled with tears "How about Morgan, has anyone even bothered to call him?"

"Yes but we couldn’t get through to him".

She looked at me confused "What does that even mean?"

"It means his phone is switched off" Sean answered twirling around us continuously. He’s been doing that for more than twenty minutes now. The truth is everyone was scared, confused, and agitated.

In a split second, I had thought of all the negative things that could happen to Michelle. Bryan's funeral had barely ended and now this. I knew Mrs. Brent would welcome this as the best news she has heard for a long time.

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