[48] Part 1

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Michelle spent a week here with me and even though I didn’t want to let her to go, I had to if I really wanted to achieve my plans.

What exactly was I planning? First I wanted Parker Brent to pay for his crimes in jail. Secondly I wanted Evans Brent to pay for destroying my life and trying to kill me. Thirdly, I wanted Brentarc to be reborn again but this time bigger and stronger than before.

As I pondered on the steps I needed to take to achieve all of this. Michelle rolled over on the bed, stretching her body like one who just exercised. She was beautiful indeed as I admired all of her body endowments.

I hadn’t told her about leaving yet because she was part of my plan and I needed to brief her on the roles she was going to play.

Still lost in thought, I did miss my friends. Wished I could just call them up and tell them I was alive but how would they take it. I sighed heavily in frustration. It was actually not yet time to reveal myself. To the world I was dead and I intend to keep it so till I finally get victory.

“Hey baby” I kissed her forehead as she squinted her eyes.

“You’re up already”

“Mmhmm” I nodded.

She sat up staring at my face. “Did you sleep well?”

I smiled. “Ofcourse I did, how about you?” I asked tugging away all the hair strands that covered her face backward.

“I had a dream” she purred faintly.

Her face dropped to the bed. This dream was definitely not a good one. I recalled the one she had still about me being kidnapped by my mother. Although according to her it was more of a trance than a dream. Then I almost got killed. It was like her dreams really came to pass but in awkward way. It really gave me the creeps when she told me and now she’s had another.

“What was it about” I asked nervously.

Then she stared at me, all of her focus on my face with a straight face. “We died Baby, we both died for real and it was scary”

My face was expressionless at first then I laughed really hard trying to ease off the weightiness of what she just said. “It’s just a dream cupid – just a dream. Besides you know what they usually say about dreams, they are fictions not real”

She shook her head like she wanted to make an argument “It was real Bryan, it was”

“Ok I understand you”. I pulled her to sit ontop of me holding her face in my hands “But Cupid, nothing is going to happen to us. Remember I said I will protect you. So just forget about the stupid dream. It’s not going to happen, ok”.

She nodded but I could still feel her trembling. It must have been a terrible nightmare but I didn’t care about the details of how it happened. As long as I was concerned, it was just a fucking dream and nothing more.

“Bryan, I have something very important to tell you”, she climbed off me and sat back on the bed with her legs folded together when she was calmer.


“Please don’t get me wrong but I think your mother, your uncle and Parker are accomplices.”

I chuckled. “Why do you say so and why will my mother want me dead?”

“Why would your uncle want you dead?” She questioned back.

I searched my head for all the possible reasons why Evans would want me dead and came up with just one. “He wants my company”

“Listen babe, the last time I visited your mother during your funeral planning….”

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now