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These past two weeks had been crazy and exciting. Every day at work I received a bunch of beautiful flowers and a nice little note conveying Bryan's intense thoughts to me.

Nora was still in doubts at how things were swiftly taking shape between us. We had done two more dinners after the last one and things had really softened between us.

And if you're thinking "Have we done it yet? The answer is "No". we've not even shared a proper kiss just pecks here and there and I was comfortable with it for now. I didn't want to rush things just taking it slow, a step at a time.

Thank God, we were very discreet about it. maybe I would have made the news headlines by now. What would they have even written maybe "US Billionaire in a romantic relationship with employee".

Gosh, that would have been awful. My office phone rang and I answered it. "Hey, Michelle, It's Millie. Mr. Brent would like to see you in his office right away" And she hung up.

I hope all was well. He's never really asked me to his office before. Infact I haven't even been to his before. This was great and also disturbing at the same time. So I hurriedly touched my make up a little and arranged the navy blue dress I wore. It was slightly above my knee and had a front slit.

"Hey, are you stepping out", my colleague Ian asked me as he walked into my office with some files on his hands.

"Yea, I just want to get to the fifteenth floor. Will be back soon".

"What? The fifteenth floor, he asked shocked. That's like the chairman's office floor?"

"Yea" I nodded. Ok, so everybody knows that Bryan's office occupies the whole fifteenth floor and for someone to go up there it means it was really something important taking you up there.

It was not a busy floor at all. People hardly went up there and it also had a tight security. So I actually understood Ian's concern.

"Don't worry Ian, am not in any kind of trouble" I said giving him an assuring smile.

"Ok, he stammered, maybe when you're back, you let me know so that we could sort out these files together".

"Ok" I smiled and left the office. So Ian Berkeley was my work buddy and on many occasions had tried to persuade me into dating him. He was good looking, hardworking, intelligent, dresses nice and all of that but I wasn't feeling anything for him, other than being friends. He was also my senior colleague in the profession.


When I arrived at Bryan's office, he had visitors with him, so I just sat down at his reception.

It was a very large room area with lots of artistic work in it. There were also natural flowers at strategic positions. I bet they changed them every day.

There were about three different set of relaxing couches. They were so soft and a huge T.V screen showing CNN. I wasn't the only one sitted there; about two other persons were also there; an elderly man, maybe in his sixties and a young beautiful lady maybe in her twenties.

"Hey beautiful", I felt this hot air graze against the skin on my neck. I looked up to find Bryan staring at me.

"Come on" he said offering me his hands "I will see you now" he smiled as we both walked into his office.

So, the reception was just an introduction of th architectural design and decor. His office was literally like that of the president of the states. It had a state of the art furnishing and finishing.

He led me to sit on the couch and offered me wine. Then he came and sat beside me.
"How's your day going".

"Fine" I responded.

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now