[51] Part 1

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I didnt know what to say to Nora any longer. It was like I became dumb all of a sudden. She looked at me with a level of  disappointment in her eyes before she walked out deadpaned.

What happened to me?. A part of me was so eager to tell her but suddenly I lost the courage to. It wasnt only about that, I guess because telling meant that I would also be betraying Bryan's trust.

But right now, what was left of the secret when she literally had seen the call. She just wanted me to say something in confirmation of her thoughts.

Three days and I have not spoken to her because I was not ready. Anyways, I was going to deal with that later  hopefully she was going to forgive me when she understands but for now I had to prepare to meet up with Parker.

I spent the last couple of hours on the phone with Bryan. First of all he scolded me for asking Quentin for help and disapproved of it but I was stubborn. I insisted letting him know it was our best shot and getting him.

He kept convincing me to go along with his plan which highly involved the police and was time consuming.

I didnt want to continue waiting for whenever they found him because Parker was not stupid. The the guy was a professional and he knows better than to just let himself get caught easily.

No wonder he kept leaving trails that led to deadend for the police.

After what transpired between I and Quentin, I thought he wasn't going to go through with our plans, but he called me up much later and informed me that he was already in communication with Parker.

That was pretty fast. Could I even trust this guy. What if I was double crossed at the end of the day. I swear then I will finally have to kill Quentin before I die.

He told me that Parker had agreed to the plans. So I very much anticipated the day.


Finally the day to execute the first phase of my plan had arrived. I wanted to risk being there but Maya discouraged me. She said it wasn't yet time. I just hoped it all goes well according to Michelle's plan.

She hinted me on it but left out alot of details which she felt were irrelevant or maybe she didnt want me to react to.

Every police branch has been alerted and were on standby. Though she said no informing the police yet but I did anyways.

I can't let her act so carelessly and not be able to protect her especially when that moron was involved. So I asked Morgan to keep tabs on her and Quentin and report everything back to me in details.


The blindfold on my eyes were so tight. If it wasnt adjusted any minute, I might probably go blind. My legs and hands were binded to the chair I sat on.

"Ouch" I squealed in pain.

"What's the problem? Is it too tight?"

"Yea, you do not want to break my hands and also please can you loosen the blindfold a little before I go blind"

"Shhh, you know we have to make this look real, right. So endure. Besides you dont know Parker,  he is very sensitive and pays attention to details." He growled.

"Fine then" I blurted and he left it as they were.

My heart kept racing. I was feeling very anxious. My feet and hands were gradually becoming numb as time went by.

I thought about why I had to go through with this plan again. What if it something were to go wrong. Besides Parker was taking his time to show up. Or had he discovered that it was a set up and has backed out.

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now