62 [Part 1]

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The wedding was fixed for 12pm and the reception  was to follow afterwards.  As earlier as 8am, I woke the girls up to start preparations since normally we do take longer times to prepare.

When I got to Nora's room, she literally opened the door for me but crawled back into bed specifically into Sean's arms and he wrapped his over her.

At first, I stood admiring them but upon realizing my intentions for being there I screamed her name playfully causing her and Sean to jump out of their skins.

"Watch it babe, would you?" She scolded warmly while Sean just rolled his eyes at me shaking his head. "Thanks for ruining my sleep Mich".

"Its your friends wedding" I reminded him with a serious expression and he just waived his hands casually smiling at me.

"I'm sorry for being this cold hearted temporarily " I apologized. "I dont want Eve breathing down my neck and I mean literally because my phone was already crying of her calls and messages"

Moments later, we were all gathered in May's room. While Ollie found himself another room guessing he didnt sleep here neither did Bryan sleep in our room.

In all of the so much activities, one fact remained true and that was I was missing Bryan so much. Since our arrival three days ago, we had hardly spent quality time together unlike other of our friends attributing it to the roles we were both playing at the time - maid of honour and best man.

Bryan on the other hand was also missing me like crazy otherwise how do one explain he's public display of affection whenever we got a spare minute or second. He would always whisper in my ears "let's make the best use of this time" and last night was one of those times.

As I thought about it now, images from the previous night, flashed through my head. What happened? He came in at about 4am a little tipsy and before my alarm went off, he was gone.

The more I pondered deeper, the picture became clearer that we shared a strong intimate moment making me blush lightly.

"Anything amusing?" Laura, the makeup artist  asked me putting the last touch of blush on my cheeks but I ignored  her curiosity and kept reminiscing about the night.

"Earth to Michelle" Bridget snapped her fingers in my face as I looked up at her confused a little.

Recollecting my thoughts back to reality, I smiled and apologised for my absent mindedness.

"How do I look?" She asked swirling around so I could get a complete view of her lovely dress.

"Awwww, so beautiful " I moaned loudly and stood up to get the door that had been constantly being disturbed by the guys. This time around, It was Jake dressed in black trousers and a white shirt without his tie and wearing a flip flop slippers.

"What is it Jake?" I asked with a low pitch tone and a straight face.

"Hey, easy there tigress" he teased with a smirk spread across his face"Ollie wants a word with May"

"What!" I whsipered with a semi annoying expression. "Impossible. Tell Ollie its bad luck to see the bride before the wedding on the wedding day"

"What?" He laughed out sarcastically waiving his hands and dismissing my superstitious belief. "Oh C'mon Mich, you dont believe in that shit"

"As a matter of fact, I do and my answer still is No!" I said so resolute on my decision and suggested Ollie called her on phone if it was really important but Jake insisted causing me to apply the rule on every other bridesmaid. Seeing how uncompromising I was, he gave up and left.

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now