[47] Part 2

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Three days gone and still no word from Michelle. The police and other security agencies have been on the search for her and yet their search are proofing futile with each passing day.

I had not slept in three whole days. My eyes were heavy from crying. Infact right now I had reached my breakpoint where I feel even though I wanted to cry, the tears were exhausted and so won't gush out. My life was on the brink.

My father was battling for his. Grateful he was responding to treatment. The doctors said they were going to keep him for another two weeks to monitor him. I had not left his side for once even to go home and shower.

I just didn't want to leave him alone even though Nora's been here with me. She's been sleeping with me in the hospital but she had a very important work trip to make that could earn her promotion so I begged her to leave otherwise she wanted to forfeit it.

Bryan's friends have really been very supportive especially Oliver and May. May's been the one continuously bringing food for me to eat even on days when I just wanted to starve my body.
I had called Ashley, my friend earlier to tell her about my predicaments. I told her to turn in a sick leave for me at work which I believe she did and here I was expecting her.

But seriously I needed a shower and a change of clothes. Maybe when Ash comes, I'll just do a quick stop at home with her.

"Hey Mab" she called out stepping into the room. Once I saw her, I ran and hugged her tightly.

"I'm so sorry about everything" she comforted me as I offered her a seat.

"Hey dad, Ash is here. You know she came to see you. So please get well soon so that we can go back home." I talked to him in his unconscious state pulling the sheets over his body.

"Hi Mr. Jones, its crazy Ash" she chuckled. "I didn't want to come to the hospital to see you because I thought your visit here would be brief but I'm really sorry." A tear dropped down her cheeks and she used her hands to wipe them off. Then she turned to me. "Any news on your sister"

"Nothing new" The police just keep reaching dead ends." I said shaking my head.

"Wow! I swear whoever kidnapped her did a very nice job"

My eyes widened in surprise and my lips parted at her words. Was Ashley really giving the kidnappers credit for kidnapping Michelle? I rose my voice "Ashley Blake, do you realize what you just said," I stared at her shooting arrows from eyes.

She smirked annoyingly "Classic Mabel. Do you have to call out people's name when you rebuke them?" What I meant was they were too skilled at their job" she playfully nudged my cheek to the side.

"Same thing I thought" I commented. "I'm scared Ash. I just hope she's still alive." I shook my head slowly.

"Michelle is a fighter. She will be rescued no matter what" Ash encouraged me. "But girl you stink!" She covered her nostrils with her hands.

"Yea, I do need a hot shower and some good food and a nap" I nodded. "So would you mind taking me home"

"Sure, but first......" she searched her bag and dug out a bottle of perfume. "Just want to confirm its here, don't want you changing the odor of my car." she tucked out her tongue at me giggling.

I managed to smile. "Do I smell that bad" I lifted up my hands slightly perceiving my both armpits.

"Gross" I was not just stinking. I was oozing. I almost vomited. This was so not me. I was the kind of girl who cherished her looks more than anything. My philosophy in life was always dress to kill because you might not know when you meet your prince charming. How did I allow myself end up like this.

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