[52] Part 2

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She sat there with a clenched fist against the chair astonished. For good fifteen minutes none of us said a word to each other. Then she stood up and began pacing around the room.

I relaxed my back on the chair with my knee raised high, I buried my head in between them reflecting on what I had just said to Nora. She moved and sat beside me on the couch wrapping a curl of her hair around her finger.

"Babes are you serious about all you just said" she lifted my head up gently so I could look at her.

"Mmhmm" I nodded innocently.

"I cant believe this. I suspected though right after I saw his name on your phone that day but I really wished you had a different explanation to all of it".

"I know and He's probably gonna kill me now that you know"

"Why do you say so?" She asked with a furrowed brow.

"Because he wanted it to remain a secret until he's ready to reveal himself." I pressed my lips together.

She breathed heavily. "Now this explains all your out of the blue trips that you make" she snorted and we both chuckled.  "But dont you think he went too far. Like a funeral was literally organized for him thinking he was really dead" she frowned.

I held her palms in mine warmly. "That's what i thought too but with all the explanations, I'll say he acted wisely and smartly"

She shook her head. "I dont know Mich. I really dont know."

"Babe, please you've got to keep this a secret" I warned her. " Act like I never told you anything. That's why you're a journalist" I reminded her.

"Journalists dont keep secrets. Rather they expose them" she smirked cocking her head to the side wearing a 'do you understand expression'

I rolled my eyes at her. "Whatever you say but you've got to keep this".

I literally just told Nora everything about Bryan being alive and warned her not to say a thing. She also wanted to know how Parker was arrested so I hinted her on all of the story.

"That plan kept Bridget on bed rest for two good days. She went through alot that day. As for Quentin he was also arrested as an accomplice but with a much reduced sentence"  I explained to her.

"Wow, I cant believe my best friend is so badass. This is exactly what love makes you do" she teased.

Pfft. "You cant be serious. I was just doing my job. That's what lawyers do. We investigate and interrogate and do whatever we can to prove our clients innocence" I smiled widely as I got back to her.

"Whatever" she threw her hands in the air as she walked away.

I ran after her "Ain't you going to tell me about you and Sean. You know I'm aware he's back right"

"Yeah. He told me" she said and then stopped abruptly making me bump into her.

"Ouch" I groaned. "Why did you stop?"  I scowled rubbing my hands.

She turned around to look at me. "Last night was undeniably beautiful and magical. You know why?" She asked me. "Because there was a Sean in it" She whispered and then grinned uncontrollably as she tossed her hair backward and walked into the kitchen.

"Let's go make breakfast she called after her. I followed her laughing and teasing. "Someone is in love" blah blah blah.

Moments later

"Hey Mich I think your phone is ringing" Nora informed me as I walked into the kitchen where we she was making pancakes for us to eat.

"Hi Brie" I spoke once I swiped on the answer icon. She was crying and I got worried. "What's the problem?".

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now