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The sounds of chirping birds, the rays of sunlight and my alarm clock wouldn’t just let me have a nice sleep. How can the night be so short? I had barely slept for two hours and now am expected to wake up. Besides it was a Saturday so no rush in getting up since I won’t be going to the office.

Then I remembered I had dinner plans for tonight so I lazily stood up from the bed, dressed up in a sweat shorts, shirt and canvas and headed for the gym.

Working out often has been one of the secrets of my good looks. I’ve got a gym situated in my house which I use weekly but then on weekends, I preferred working out with my guys at one Body wealth gym, a three storey well equipped gymnasium. Apparently to become a member there wasnt quite easy.

As I drove through the streets on my way there, I noticed people walking, running or jogging. Whichever way, but everybody just seemed so busy keeping fit. Exercise to me keeps me sane and well-articulated.

When I arrived at the gym, Ollie and Jake were already there and ofcourse Jakes friend Sean. We worked out for about two hours and decided to take a break. We sat the gym cafeteria to have a quick and healthy breakfast.

“How are plans going with our mystery lady?" Jake echoed biting into his sandwiches.

“Ok, first of all Jake, Mystery lady has a name and its Michelle" Ollie exclaimed turning to give me an assuring look that he got me.

I chuckled. "She bumped into me a week ago at work Jake, so I got her figured out already. But…." I rolled my eyes at them.

“But what” they echoed in unison glaring at me.

“Hey… hey…. chill men. You guys are gonna freak yourself out at this rate" i warned them.

“Get to the point B. You know how anxious I get about things like this" Jake pleaded.

Ollie turned to Jake amused. “Seriously man, you’ve got to chill. Stop getting worked up over someone else’s relationship. Now Bryan, speak up and stop working us up mentally” he growled.

“I don’t know why you guys are being this way like college boys I jeered at them
laughing. “Ok, so you see, the thing is that  I’ve got dinner plans tonight."

They both looked at me with excitement in their eyes. “Well that was fast;" Ollie said looking at his phone. "Uhm, I think I’ve got to run guys. Duty calls" he said standing to his feet when the big screen in the cafeteria flashed the news about the death of Alicia.

My eyes widened in shock as I nervously prayed that they withhold the identity of my brother as related to her death. and eventually they did.

I breathed a heavy sigh of relief only to hear Jake commenting on the news. “Alicia is dead. Damn that girl was so fineeeee. What happened to her?"

We all returned our gaze to the television only to hear that she was murdered in her hotel room three weeks ago and the police said they’ve got a suspect but have chosen to keep the suspects identity a secret from the public for now prior to further investigations.

Deep within me, i knew it was only a matter of time before they revealed Boyce Brent as the first suspect and that was going to be a bad sign.

As I listened again, I could already hear the angry voices of Alicia’s family on the television. They were full with rage and fury and they just kept ranting - ofcourse about what they were going to do to the culprit.

Although, Senator Lyon was yet to make an official statement about his daughter’s demise, I know he wouldn’t just believe the story because Boyce has been a very close ally of his. I didn’t want the news to ruin my mood thereby ruining my dinner plans because I was yet to pay Boyce a visit and get to know what really happened.

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now