[48] Part 2

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The next day I went to the police station with Oliver and Jess for two important things. The first was to get the staffs that were arrested released. Secondly was to write a statement about my abduction.

When we got in, an officer directed us to where he offered us seats while we waited for Inspector Reyes.

“It’s finally good to have you back Ms. Jones” Inspector Reyes shook my hand and Ollie’s. “It’s not been easy searching everywhere for you with no result"

I chuckled. "That's because I wasn't within your jurisdiction"

He was shocked and almost immediately his expression became softer. “I’m sincerely sorry about Mr. Brent’s death. He was a good friend” he condoled leading me into his office while Ollie and Jess waited in the lobby.

I breathed. “Thank you inspector.”  My face contorted in a grimace of pain as I took my seat from across the table.

Inspector Reyes gave me a book to write down my statement which I did. Thereafter, he invited someone from their forensic team to sketch my description of the ring leader of my abductors which I  could remember. I described all the features of the fucking bastard and the diagram fitted so well into my description.

“Thank you very much Ms. Jones” he smiled, we will ensure he and all his gang members are found and dealt with according to the law.”

“Thank you Inspector, I’m glad I could help. One more thing"  I drew his attention back to me as he gave me a listening ear. I informed him about the arrest Mary Brent made and I wanted the release of those staffs immediately.

He shut his eyes massaging his temples like he was trying to recall the case then he opened them. “Aha" he pointed a finger forward. “I remember now, they were arrested for trespassing" he explained.

“What, trespassing. Nah…”  I shook my head in disagreement. “Inspector, those people are my staffs. They live with me in Bryan’s estate.” I made a defense for them. “The young lady that came with me is one of them but her mother and brother were arrested, the only reason she wasn’t picked was because she was at school”.

He breathed heavily “So you’re saying Mrs. Brent arrested her son’s domestic staffs without a just cause? His eye brows furrowed.

“Exactly” I nodded.

“But why”

“Inspector I don’t know but please I need them released. I gestured to myself. “I’m back and I need them home with me”

He calmed me down, “Give me few minutes then, let me go through their statements” He said as we both walked out of the office.



Three weeks later.

Judge Whitney Pullman this morning together with the jury had sentenced Senator Boyce Brent to seventy six years imprisonment for the murder of Miss Alicia Lyons Baker whose death occurred in the night of July 12th at her hotel room. This happened after the court was presented with viable evidence, a video footage which showed the senator suffocating her on her bed without mercy. As things unfold, we will keep the update rolling in. this is Heather Rochester reporting for channels 14 news.

I immediately turned off the TV angrily.
Fuck! I can’t believe this. Sitting in the living room watching the news was not something I usually did but Michelle informed me that Boyce’s ruling was finally fixed for that day.  So all I was waiting for was the outcome hoping that it would be to Boyce’s favour.

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