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Four weeks after my return, all plans were set for the reopening of the head office.  I had planned a rebirth party and dinner. Invitations had been sent out. Renovation work on the Estate was done and ready for me to move back in.

Luckily for me, I was able to secure back 50% of my employees.  The fact was when we began our recruitment exercise,  so many came back. One person whose return made me utterly glad was Millicent. When she contacted me and asked if she could have her old job back, I was excited. "You know Millie, you are one big brain behind Brentarc". That was what I told her and it got her all emotional and excited at the same time.

So it was a great thing to have them all back including Sarah and Ofcourse her children.  Taylor, Gerald and Megan were not left out. They left their current places of employment to rejoin me.

But in all of these, I was still going to make slight changes especially at the office. Maya was kept in charge of the office at New York and she was doing very great. Like I said Brentarc was back better and stronger. 

The hall was all set and beautifully decorated. Ollie came around. He's been sticking around more lately. So together with Morgan, we  moved around the arena that was been prepared for the rebirth party, ensuring that the party would be without hitches.

While we walked, we talked about his wedding plans. His wedding was in about three months but considering Jake's and Bridget condition, he was thinking of moving it till they were both fully recuperated.

So far, Bridget was conscious and was stronger than Jake who, though was out of the intensive care was unable to stand, sit or even walk. Like the doctors said, seemed his spine was affected during the accident but they needed to run a couple of more tests to really ascertain but that will be when his head injuries were all healed.

"That would be very considerate of you" I told him.

"But that's the only way. I cant be getting married when one of my best friends is lying down in the hospital" He said.

"I totally agree with you man" I nodded my head.

"How's the investigation of Evans going?" He asked me.

"Well, the police are still searching for him?"

"I cant believe he escaped"

I chuckled. "But not for too long. Evans will pay for everything he's caused me and my family" I threatened.

"Seriously man he has no choice" Ollie added and we both smiled and continued our inspection.

The wing of the private wards were usually quiet owing to the fact that not many persons could afford it and again it was strictly for VIPs.

It's been up to two days I had not seen either Bridget or Jake because of the plans and preparation of the reopening.

Having series of meetings with the newly formed board, Procurement of new furniture and fittings for the offices, recruitment of new staffs and other logistics were consuming my time. So I decided to pay them a visit today.

"Hey B" Gab called out once she saw me and hugged me before pulling away. "Its a relief that you're alive and well" she smiled looking at me.

"Thanks Gab. How have you been. You really look good" I complimented her strolling over to Bridget's side.

"I always look good. You know that right" she smiled and followed after me.

"Hello princess" I lowered myself and kissed her forehead. "Feeling stronger?" I inquired.

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now