[60] Part 1

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Everything went well according to plan. Reports reaching me after had it that the party ran late into the early hours of the morning.

In the midst of the celebration and happiness that filled the hearts of many, I had to sneak out with Michelle. Why did we even do that? I blushed pinching my lower lips slowly as I thought about our actions. I believed just few persons must have noticed our absence.

Last night was one of those magical nights between us. There was usually a special way we celebrated victory. It was perfect. She was perfect. Everything from the night began to replay in my head.

The wants, the passion, the lust, the desire, the need, the heat were so much that we couldn't control it. We devoured ourselves like we used to but only this time in a slower motion that made me incredibly hungry.

Her body with all those perfect curves was still in sync with mine. It still recognizes its owner. The way our souls melts into each other is still unimaginable.

There was nothing I wanted more now than ever than to make her mine forever. I so wanted to change her name to bear mine. How lovely and pleasant it would sound to hear people say Mrs Michelle Bryan Brent; the wife of billonaire Bryan Brent.

I chuckled hard as I pondered on it. I rubbed my chin with my hands staring at the beautiful picture of her on the screen of my computer. She was beautiful and her smiles were adorable and killing at the same time.

I could reminisce all day just staring at this perfect woman that completes me. Thankfulky, The obstacles that were greatly infront of us all this while were gradually giving way. Of course except Evans. As long he was still on the loose and roaming, I still felt we had one more battle to surmount.

The more I thought of Evans, the more I wanted to know why on earth he would go this far to destroy my family. My mother on the other hand was getting worse by the day. It seemed she'd even stopped responding to medication so the doctors said.

I had only visited her once since I returned and just watching her helpless made me understand the irony of life. The strong and mighty Mary Brent, all helpless and hopeless, who could have thought?

I remember when my father died, it was so painful. I thought I wasnt going to survive it but my mothers actions then were the only thing that pushed me into succeeding. She didnt care, she was cold and heartless then and even now.

What made me think she would even accept Michelle. Though I wasnt craving her approval but I just wished somewhere in her heart, there will be warmth for me but I guess it was a mere wish and not all wishes come through.

I breathed heavily massaging my temples. It must have been really hard.

The house was quiet because it was a sunday. The only plans I had was to stay indoors and go through some proposals as against the first official board meeting fixed for monday.

I woke quite late although Michelle was still asleep when I left the room. I wanted her to rest because there was no doubt, been my vice was going to be very demanding and she will be needing all of her energy but I had no worries because she was capable of both official and unofficial businesses.

"Babe! amor!" I heard her calling out continously. Seems she's been looking for me.

"I'm in here, in the study love" I notified her.

Seconds later, the door shrieked opened and she walked in. "Been looking everywhere for you" she said with a soft low voice as she walked toward me.

"Really" I held her by her waist and pulled her to sit on me. "Why? Did you miss me?" I smiled.

"Pfft. No i didn't" she smirked.

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