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It’s been one week since Nora put me out of my fantasies of Bryan. I had really hoped that the way I felt about him was the same way he felt about me. But I guess I was wrong. What was I even thinking that it will be easy to be the girlfriend to a billionaire?  I had to stop all this “if wishes were horses” thoughts. It wasn’t leading anywhere; rather it just kept hurting me. Throughout last week, I had not seen Bryan around. Maybe he wasn’t coming to the office or probably he travelled.

I know that I must sound crazy but I’ve actually been kind of stalking him. I go to the parking lot to see if his car is there, there after I look out for his security aids. Other times I just strolled to the fifth floor where his office is situated. It was on one of those occasions, that I encountered Millicent his personal assistant and secretary who pleaded with me to take his suite keycard up to him. I swear, that day I almost lost it and embarrassed myself. At first, I wanted to decline but when I saw it as an opportunity to meet him, I accepted to do it.

For me, it was obvious that day that he couldn’t control his emotions. I saw the way he looked at me just the way he looked at me again recently. It was no ordinary stare, even his smiles; I knew there was more to it even though Nora had dismissed that thought. Deep within me, my body and senses and all I am craved him.

But Nora was right, we did not belong to the same social class, Not that I was from a poor home, but my family was on the average side. What if it was my emotions just flooding my head. My thoughts were cut short when a beautiful Millicent called my name.

“Hello…… Miss Jones, we meet again" she said smiling and sitting down across my table.

“Hii Millicent", I said surprised. Because it’s not everyday your boss’s assistant pays you a visit in the office.

“Uhm, I see you’ve got some free time” she looked at me intently.

“Well, Uhm…..” I stammered. “Not that am free but I could use a little distraction. How may I help you?”

“I don’t know how this may sound and I don’t also want you to take it the wrong way". She looked at me like she was trying to read my expression but my face was expressionless. “My boss wants you to have dinner with him”.

“I’m sorry" I chuckled “You said what?  I asked like I didn’t get her the first time. Moreover, was she not supposed to say our boss?

She closed her eyes like she was embarrassed with it. “Mr. Brent wants to have dinner with you this weekend. I will send you the details if necessary”.

By the time she was done talking my face was lighted, my cheeks flushed, butterflies in my stomach. “Dinner” I resounded.

“Yes, so what do you say because I have to give him a feedback”.

Don’t be too quick to accept, a voice in my head spoke. I know you just want to jump up and shout Yes, yes, yes but act tough girl….

“Hmmm, uhm… Let me think about it”, I said nervously.

“Ok" she stood up and walked to the door then turned back to me "Don’t take too long. My boss hates waiting” and she walked out.

"Oh my God", I breathed heavily … I had been holding it in ever since Millicent mentioned dinner. I stood up pacing around in happiness, I wanted to scream and scream out my lungs. I could not believe it. That means he was definitely going crazy about m – He was thinking of me too.

Then I shut the door and blinds of my office and screamed out loud ……………. “He wants to have dinner with me”.

This was definitely it. I know it usually starts with a dinner. But why did he take so long to act I chuckled sheepishly. I definitely have to inform Nora about this. I picked up my phone and dialed her.

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now