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Mature Content.... Please be warned (18+)

Wringleys was a restaurant that was quite close to my office building. I knew it very well because most of my staffs usually went there during their lunch break. As we drove down there I thought of what I was gonna say to her the moment I saw her.

Once Gerald pulled into the parking lot, I alighted and rushed into the restaurant. I scanned through the room caring less about what people will say or were saying about me. I sighted Nora and hurried over to her but I couldn't see her.

"Hey Nora, Where's Michelle, I really need to see her”

"Oh hey Bryan, she went to the restroom” she said offering me a seat. I sat down and noticed the file ontop of the table, "What's this” I touched the file and Nora immediately stopped me.

"Is everything alright between you two because Michelle seemed off earlier when I mentioned your name to her?"

"Really? Did she say anything, like she was mad at me or.....?”

"She won’t talk to me but I know she’s angry but don’t know why” Nora said.

Just then, Michelle came in. Her face looked pale like she had really cried a lot. Once she saw me her face fell to the ground.

"What are you doing here Bryan?” She sat down avoiding my eyes.

I placed a hand on her arms and luckily she didn’t flinch. “I have been really worried about you. How are you? And why didn’t you tell me about your mom?” I confronted her.

She turned to look at me like was I seriously asking her those questions?  I could see her red and teary eyes. My heart melted inside my chest....

"I’m so sorry babe, I’m so sorry for ignoring you, for letting this whole shit happening to eat deep into me, not realizing your hurts".

I leaned toward her gently opening up my arms to her for a hug. She leaned into my chest not holding back her tears as I wrapped my hands around her.

We stayed in that position for a while before Nora excused herself. We sat back to clarify some underlying issues from the previous day.

"Who was she Bryan?” she scolded glaring at me intently.

I immediately knew who she was talking about. "Uhm..... That was Gabriella, my ex” I answered innocently.

"You mean while I was at home, getting worried over you, you were in the embrace of your ex-girlfriend?”

"Nooo! That’s not...” she cut me holding her hand up to me.

"Let me finish"...

"Ok, go ahead" I urged her.

"Bryan I understand what you're going through with work and Boyce. I get it all and I've kept assuring you that we will go through it together. But recently I feel you're completely shutting me out. I feel abandoned, I feel rejected, and now coupled with my mom’s condition, I feel broken and shattered" She said softly breaking down in tears again....

I held her close to my chest for a moment.

"Its ok love, I’m sorry for everything.... let's go home and I will explain everything to you. But I want you to know that I never cheated on you and I can’t cheat on you. You just have to trust me” I said lifting her up from the seat.

I picked up the file from the table and gently guided her as we walked out of the restaurant.


Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now