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"Hey watch it woman. That's mine"  May yelled at a young lady who shoved our luggages away from the baggage carousel to get hers.

I held and squeezed her shoulders motioning on her to ignore the lady since people around the baggage reclaim area were beginning to stare at our direction. They surely did recognize us and I didnt want us to put up a show that would eventually end up on the tabloids.

We'd just arrived from Dubai after spending five days shopping for May's dream wedding. Dubai had it's own exclusive type of fun.

I never knew I loved shopping until I got there. We spent a whole lot of cash buying lots especially clothes, bags, shoes, wedding gown and accessories, make up and cosmetics.

I even got a gift for Bryan. I realized I had never gotten him anything so when I saw this item I couldn't let it go. When May asked me who it was for, I had to say I was getting it for my dad even though I still got him something else.

Ollie was supposed to pick us up. I guess he must have been waiting. We finally got all our luggages and stacked them up the trolley approaching outside, when Oliver sighted us. It was a beautiful moment when he lifted May up hugging and kissing her with so much joy.

"Michelle" he cried out after returning May on her feet. He hugged me tightly. "I missed you both so much".

"Well" I cleared my throat smiling. "I believe but May missed you madly that she could not stop whining about all the things she was going to do to you once we touched the ground"

"Michelle " May whined. I knew, girls code. I shouldn't have spilled anything to him.

"Is that so?" Ollie smirked and turned to her "I cant wait" he muttered staring lustfully at her.

All of a sudden he lifted her off the ground again in his arms playfully and was walking toward the car.

"Ok guys" I giggled and ran after them.


The the D- day for Senator's Brent Thanksgiving dinner finally arrived. At first, I thought it was just for the team as earlier scheduled but when I got an Invitation,  it was something bigger.

This was going to be one large gathering of notable elites, politicians, celebrities, assemblyman, journalists.. Different caliber of persons were going to be present. I needed to look my very best.

All of our friends were all invited so were attending. I had the privilege of bringing my dad for once, let him see and witness how the rich celebrated.

I picked up my phone and called Nora...

"Hey babe"

"Are you working today?" I asked her because I knew reporters were going to be everywhere.

"Nope. Why did you ask?"

"I wanted to dress up from your place. Would that be possible?"

"Uhm.....actua....lly... the thing is ..." She stuttered.

I chuckled and cut her off. "You're with Sean. I get it. It's okay. See you there" and I hung up.

From my actions, one would think I was afraid to go alone but No. Besides I had my dad with me as my date, so no worries. I picked out a nice black tuxedo from his wardrobe for and matched it with a white shirt. He would really be looking charming. Hopefully he might end up being hit on by a rich woman there.

I ensured he had a clean haircut and shave. The dinner was scheduled for 7pm with a red carpet event from 5pm. Who cared about the red carpet anyways. I rolled my eyes. I didn't need to go so early, so I took my time in preparing.

Just as I clipped the last earring to my ears. My message notification sound chimed. I picked it up and read.

You really look beautiful tonight Love. with a smiling face emoji.

What? Love? Who could this be? The number wasnt registered on my phone. Just as I kept pondering. Another entered.

I love the way that dress looks on you.

I quickly ran to the window to have a glimpse of outside perhaps someone was looking at me. But there was no one. Everywhere looked dead and quiet. I exhaled deeply. Someone was definitely playing with my mind and  head. Again, another came in.

Looking for me. Dont bother. I will come to you. But for the records you owe me. Remember?

This time around, the message carried a laughing out loud emoji and a red hot face. I became nervous. My palms became sweaty as I hurried downstairs.

"Dad.... Dad.... Are you done. Can we leave now?" I called out to him but there was no response. I found my way to the living room through the kitchen and then back upstairs. I was about pushing my dad's room door opened when my phone rang out almost giving me a heart attack that I threw it to the floor.

I was shaking and trembling as I picked up the phone. It was Bryan.


"Bryan......Thank God" I whispered breathing heavily.

"What's the problem? He asked apprehensively. "Baby talk to me. Are you okay?"

"Yes.... yes" I whispered softly. "But it feels someone is watching me. I just got these weird messages from a strange number"

"Messages from a strange number. What do they say?"

"Nothing much. Just feels like the person is watching at me and letting me know that he sees me because it said something like I look beautiful tonight. I dont know babe and I cant seem to find my dad"

"Relax baby. No need to panic. Just breathe in and breathe out slowly. I"ll call Moragn. He will be there soon to take you down. Okay"


"Look... I dont want you afraid of anything. Nothing's gonna happen to you and I feel whoever is sending you those messages could be a stalker and thats dangerous. So just ensure the doors are locked and remain indoors till Morgan arrives"

"Okay" I replied sobbing hard. Oh God, the last thing I wanted was to ruin my make up that I struggled for hours before getting it. "My dad..."

"Have you checked his room?"

"Not yet" then slowly I pushed the door opened and breathed a sigh of relief with my hand on my chest when I saw him standing and admiring himself infront of the mirrow. No wonder he couldn't hear all my screams. "He's here babe" I smiled widely informing Bryan who was still on the other end as tear dropped to my cheek.

Bryan breathed in relief. "Thank God. I was worried sick. So dont forget what I said. And Cupid......" he called me with a low and sweet tone. "You look beautiful. You are beautiful. Dont forget to send me a picture asap and I cant wait to see you tonight"

Hung up

What. I tried to wrap my head around all he said. Firstly I ensured the doors were locked before heading  back to my dad's room still in thoughts of what Bryan meant. Well, maybe he was talking about the picture. Then I had to get alot of them and send to him because as i thought about it, i was really looking stunning. Even my dad attested to it before we stepped out of the house.

"Michelle...Michelle over here" I heard my name as I walked in with my dad, our arms intertwined together. I looked over to the direction of the voice and sighted my friends sitted on a very large table infront.

I pushed through with my dad till we got to them.

"Wow!" They all echoed gazing at my outfit. "You look amazing Mich." May complimented and every other person nodded in agreement.

"Thanks guys" I said blushing slightly as we sat down. "You all look amazing too" I smiled. "Uhm.... remember my dad" I gestured to my father.

"Waoh ofcourse we do" Jake said

"Nice to see you again Mr Jones"  Oliver added.

"You look great" Sean spoke

"And different" May added.

"More younger and handsome" Nora chimed in.

Okay guys. Thank you as I turned to my dad. He was all smiles and blush. Then I nudged his shoulders. "Da.....ad"

"Thank you so much for the honest and wonderful compliments.  It's so good to see you all again" he smiled and turned to Oliver "Congratulations doc on your upcoming wedding."

I opened my mouth in amazement."Dad, cmon stop embarrassing me" I yanked his arms and everyone laughed.

"Thanks Mr Jones" May said. "We'll send an invitation across to you once the date is fixed."

My father smiled. "I'd appreciate that" Then he began all of his sarcastic talks cracking them all up.

I just stared at me and kept smiling. Everybody was engrossed in his story. May and Oliver wore matching colours, same with Nora and Sean. Jake was alone because I hadn't seen Bridget. Maybe she was around somewhere. Then I sighted Samantha,  she was obviously working even in the red sexy dress she wore.

I looked around even more still feeling conscious of someone stalking me. This was similar to Bryan's faked funeral just before I was abducted.

Politicians, celebrities, superstars, business tycoons and industrialists filled the entire hall.  I scanned more only to see Allison and her crew mounted at one end. She also got dressed up. She wasnt looking bad at all.

Then there was the team sitted with Cassidy looking exceptional handsome in a way I haven't seen him before. I excused myself and went over to their table where I was supposed to be sitting.

Light music was playing as servants moved about and around serving guests and attending to their needs. There were chatters awesome ends, others were cheering while others were clinging of glasses and shuttering sounds of cameras.

I arrived a little behind the timing just as I wanted so the red carpet moments were over but that did not hinder me from taking the red carpet pictures I'd wanted to take. So as I headed back to my table I decided to send the pictures Bryan requested for.

The moment everyone was waiting for, the man of the hour appeared but not alone in the company of the senate president - Senator Barry Lyon. Both laughing and discussing as they took their seat. Then finally Bridget appeared. She hugged the ladies and shook the gents but very importantly kissed Jake before taking her seat.

I didnt say but this place was fucking mounted with very tight securities from all the security agencies. The master of the ceremony was up on the podium doing the welcoming and recognition of guests especially dignitaries.

There were lots of presentations from musicians, comedians and other performing acts.

Finally, the moment every one was waiting for came, Boyce's address and speech of course which was after Senator Lyon's brief address.

Looking at Boyce mount the podium, he looked breathtaking and smart in the three piece dark green suit he wore with a brown wing tip shoe made me almost feel like it was Bryan.

Their resemblance was second to none only that Bryan was more hotter. I really wished he was here since everyone seemed to be coupling up but well my dad was here as my date. He turned at me, squeezing my palms.

"Are you okay peanut? You seem a little disturbed. And I've seen you move your eyes around the room. Are you expecting someone?"

"Ofcourse not dad" I smiled. "Dont worry about me. I'm fine" I said helping my self to a glass of wine from the table.

Then Senate Boyce began. "Good evening distinguished ladies and gentlemen and welcome once again to this Thanksgiving dinner" he breathed. "I have alot of things to be grateful for today. Perhaps y'all dont know, this past one year has been difficult and crazy for me. I have been through ups and downs, through thick and thin. Frantically speaking, the prison is not where one should desire to be but despite all standing before you today is not the man you used to know but a different person- I mean life has taught me alot.

A year ago, my fiance Alicia Baker Lyons of blessed memory was murdered in her hotel suite"... he closed his eyes and sucked in alot of air then exhaled before he continued. "It was a painful loss for me but more painful when I was accused as her murderer. It was like my whole world stopped at that instant. But I'm grateful to God and to everyone who stood by me through the many trials and eventually the victory. I sincerely want to appreciate my family. My mother who is currently in the hospital, my beloved brother of blessed memory, Mr Bryan Brent and my baby sister - Bridget Brent" He turned to Bridget's direction gesturing to her with a nod and a smile. "Thank you so much for making understand how important a family is. I only wished Bryan was here today"

Pity groans and cheers of joy filled the room.

"Secondly I specially appreciate my legal team, he nudged to the table and they all rose to their feet clapping. He smiled "yea there they are. Led by Seven Williams. Because they were exceptional that is why I can do this today" Tears welled up in his eyes as he dabbed them lightly. "Amongst them is one who dedicated her very being to proving innocence. In all my life, I have never seen a lawyer like her - Miss Michelle Jones. she's a rare asset" he beckoned on me to come forward.

All of a sudden I became nervous. There were clappings and cheering and flashing of cameras.

Everyone at our table were cheering me on. "C'mon Mich go.. "then I shyly walked across to the room onto the podium.

Boyce took my hand and helped me up, then hugged him tightly."ladies and gentlemen, she is the one. The one who sacrificed and even endangered her life to see me out here today. That's not all. She was my brothers girlfriend and I know wherever Bryan is today, he will be very proud of her.

Claps and cheering.

Then he turned to me. "I dont know if I can do this but I feel a loving lady like you should not be left alone. I know my brother would have eventually married you if he were to be alive. Can I do this? He whispered chuckling.

I was feeling scared and nervous. What was Boyce trying to do.

"Would you marry me Michelle Jones?" He went down on one knee with an opened box of ring in his hand.

I froze at that instant. Everywhere grew silent. I believed everyone was shocked and wasnt expecting. Even the reporters were dazed.

"Michelle Michelle.... " I heard my friends voices calling me. "Go on... he's waiting for you" They beckoned on me to go forward to the podium as requested by Boyce.

Was it a replay or what. It seemed I'd blacked out for a while. I was jerked back to reality when my father nudged my shoulders lightly.

"Sorry" I turned to him confused.

"Go on" he motioned forward to me. I slowly started toward the stage. Once I was on, he hugged me tightly.

" Here she is ladies and gentlemen, Miss Michelle Jones. The one who sacrificed and even endangered her life to see me out here today. That's not all. She was my brother's girlfriend and I know wherever Bryan is today, he will be very proud of her"  He smiled as he presented me to the audience.


I kept praying that my trance shouldn't become my reality as I forced a smile and a wave.

"Thank you so much Michelle for everything. Like I said I can't thank you enough and it's true that Bryan is no more but I want to let you know that you will be and remain a part of the Brent's family" He smiled and hugged me again.

"Whooooo, Yes baby" Bridget's voice traveled to my ears and I blushed at her shuffling as tears streamed my eyes. I was being celebrated, I couldnt contain my joy and happiness.

The press were seriously doing their things. I tried as much as possible to make my facial appearance cute in a much as I was crying because I knew that by tomorrow, I will be making headline news and an awesome picture will add spice to the news.

Boyce was not through with his address so he continued after the short break of cheers and photo session.

"Thank you all very much for celebrating the newest addition to my family. As you all know,  during the process of my trials, I lost alot of things amongst my wonderful brother, I also lost my seat in the senate and also my position in Alpha group. But with joy in my heart, I want to announce to you all that I, Boyce Alexander Brent has been reinstated back as a serving senator of this great nation".

Claps and Cheers.

"For that I want thank my mentor, Senator Lyon Baker and all my colleagues who stood by me and made this possible." Suddenly he stopped talking for some minutes as his eyes fell and locked upon someone. I noticed he grew furious, an angry frown formed on his forehead as his muscles tightened with a clenched fists.

Then I trailed his eyes to who he was staring at so intently. I couldnt figure out who it was when Bridget voiced out.

"What the hell is Evans doing here?" She rose to her feet in anger and started toward his direction when Jake followed behind her urging that she treads cautiously.

Wait- what? That was the Evans Brent. No wonder Boyce became tensed. What does he want?

One of his aides walked over to Boyce and whispered into his ears then he whispered back into his aides ear and the person descended from the rostrum.

People started sensing there might be trouble as the hall became somehow noisy.  Evans was drawing attention to himself. Security men approached him to escort him out and he kept creating a scene yelling. "I am Evans Brent, the chairman and CEO of Alpha group. I should be here. That's my nephew up there" he kept barking as they dragged him out disgracefully.

When the room became calmer, He cleared his throat. "I'm very sorry for that brief interruption. We had an intruder but it's been taken care of. Thank you all once again for coming. I feel honoured. While the party continues, theres alot to eat and drink. Please feel free and enjoy yourselves. Have a wonderful evening"  he took a bow and went off the stage as people cheered him on. The music came on, this time it was a danceable one.

I watched Boyce walk out almost immediately and followed suite with my friends leaving only my dad at the table. For me it was the perfect opportunity for him to mingle. Who knows.

As we approached the garage. I could hear yelling voices.

"Last time I checked uncle, you were not invited here" That was Bridget's voice sounding harshly.

"Its good to see you too niece" he smirked.

"What do you want here Evans? You think you can walk in here bragging that you're now the chairman and CEO of Alpha group?" Boyce queried.

He laughed hysterically. "Ofcourse. The whole world knows about that and maybe your mother didnt tell you too, it was all part of the plan. Unfortunately she's too weak" He let out an annoying laugh when he saw how perplexed Boyce and Bridget looked.

I knew that if it was Bryan, he would have landed a punch on Evans' face already but Boyce was calmer when it came to acting irrationally.

"What are you talking about?" Boyce yelled. "What plan did you make with my mom? Nevermind" he waived his hands off "Just Remember what I told you the last time. Your days are numbered there. Just be prepared to fake your death again - only this time it will be for real" He threatened.

He smirked. "The truth will be too heavy for you to carry. I hope you will be able to suck it in"

Ok at this point, I must say Boyce was still being fooled by his mother. How can he be this trusting in a woman who has wrecked all the lives of her children.

"Get out of here" he yelled with a very harsh and angry tone. The guards quickly escorted him outside of the premises.

Then Bridget held him." Dont believe him Boyce. He's a liar. I know mom can be a handful but she will never consciously hurt her children. Remember he lied and faked his death" He hugged her before his attention was called in.

Okay I give up. These children obviously loved their mother. It was only Bryan who seemed indifferent about her. Throughout our vacation, him being aware of his mother's predicament never for once felt sober or down about it.

"What plan is he talking about?" Nora asked me.

"I dont know. I'm confused too." I told her shrugging my shoulders but I wasnt confused at all. I understood vehemently and the missing piece of the  puzzle was falling into place. Mrs Mary Brent and Evans with Parker were definitely accomplice.

We still stood at the garage discussing about what just happened. Bridget was explaining things to Jake, Ollie and Sean while I was standing by the corner talking with Nora. May went to the restroom.

Suddenly it was like a flash but before we realized what had happened Bridget and Jake were lying on the floor covered in a pool of blood and the car that hit them halted against the wall.

"Oh my God"  We all screamed out and ran to them.

"What happened?" I asked panicking.

"We dont know, I can't  tell. One second we were just talking and the next second this" Sean responded panicked as Oliver ran toward the car to check on the driver. I quickly dialled the emergency contacts. Nora's hand was pressed on Bridget's neck supporting it.

Thankfully, the ambulance arrived on time. As the E.M.S examined them before lifting them into the vehicle. Ollie came back.

"The car is empty" he said with his hands pressed to his face.

"What? Does that mean it was automatically controlled?" Sean questioned with his hands by his hips.

"Guys" I called out "I'm riding in the ambulance with them"

"Dont worry love we are right behind you" Nora said. She needed to wash off her blood stained hands.

"The police are on their way but we need to also inform the senator" Sean stated.

"Not yet. You dont want to ruin his day" Ollie sounded coldly and opened his car as the ambulance drove off.

I knew how much he will be hurting losing another of his best friend.

Why do things like this always happen. I didnt realize I was crying till we got to the hospital when the doctors asked me my relationship with the victims.

"That's my sister and her boyfriend" I voiced out sobbing profusely. I wanted to call Bryan but I left my phone back at the party. Oliver and the guys were yet to arrive.

They immediately wheeled them into the theatre. And All I could do was pray they survived. I couldnt stand losing another loved one again.

An hour later, I opened my eyes to see everyone well those that were remaining. I had dozed off crying earlier waiting for them. My makeup was ruined. I looked like a mess.

"Hey Mich" May hugged me as tears trickled down my cheeks.

"They're gonna be fine" She assured me handing me my phone.

"Ollie and Sean are in the police station to make a statement" she told me. "Your dad was taken home safely by Morgan"

Nora came and sat beside me patting my back. "Senator Brent is on his way here. Then she whispered in my ears. "Why dont you inform Bryan about this"

I turned to look at her. "Seriously"

"Its important he knows" she whispered softly.

I excused myself to go to the restroom probably to make the call. Immediately I got in, it was like i felt a shadow behind me and suddenly everything blacked out.

The next time I opened my eyes, I was on a hospital bed. I tried to sit up but my whole body felt numb. I turned to my side and saw May.

I managed to ask her. "What happened to me. Why am I here?"

"Shhh... take it easy. You passed out on the toilet floor"

"I did".

"Yes you did. Thank God someone found you there and raised an alarm"

Maybe I was dreaming. How can I pass out just like that. I tried to remember what happened after I entered the restroom. My visions were blurry and my head sore.

Then she handed me my phone. "Messages been coming in" She said. I took it from her and opened it.

Today was lucky day love.. next time you might not be lucky

I am watching your every move so dont try to act smart with me.

You owe me. You think shutting me away would make me forget the debts.

Pay me what you owe me now  before I demand for a pound of your  precious flesh.

A chill ran down my spine. My hair stood on ends and face turned pale with my skin cold and clammy. I became so scared that I passed out again.

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now