[56] Part 1

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Morgan informed me about an accident that happened during the dinner.  He said it involved Bridget and Jake.

I became so restless and worried much more when I couldnt even reach out to Michelle. I hope everyone was fine? I refused to panick but my heart beats were becoming more intense.

This was supposed to be a Thanksgiving dinner not otherwise. Evans showed up and disrupted the celebration - well that was what Morgan told me.

The more I thought about it, the more i felt like a murderer, I could literally kill him  outrightly. Coveting my brothers position wasnt enough for him, getting rid of me wasnt enough for him, abducting and drugging my girlfriend wasnt enough for him, poisoning my mother wasnt now he wants to kill Bridget.

I thought harder clenching my fists on how to end him once and for all.

A knock from the door filtered into the room and the door opened with Morgan stepping in.
He bowed lightly and I motioned for him to take a seat.

"So what's the update?" I inquired with an anxious expression.

"Ms Brent and Mr. Rutherford  are out of danger. They've both been stabilized"

I exhaled deeply. "That's great news" I exhaled more. "And Michelle?"

"Ms Jones passed out twice last night so she's been treated for exhaustion"

"Passed out?" I asked confused. "How?"

"I cant tell but Information has it that she collapsed on the floor of the toilet in the hospital and then again on the bed"

"Is she conscious" I asked hyperventilating.

"Pretty much" he answered

"What are the police findings so far. Any lead on who might be the owner of the vehicle?"

"They're still investigating"

I closed my eyes briefly breathing in and out continuously trying to calm myself. "Uhmm...Morgan" I stared at him. "I think I need to visit the hospital. Now"

He looked at me shocked. "Sir, Are you prepared for the drama, the press, the tabloids everything.  You know people believe you are dead, for almost a year now. How do you think they will react to your sudden appearance?"

"Returning to L.A was the first step of my appearance plan" I chuckled lightly. "I know it wont all that be easy but I've got a plan and I need to do this now so that I can finally put an end to Evans. I want to let him know that I'm pretty much alive and back on track, this time even  better. Unless he has another plan of ending my life which I very much know would still fail" I half smiled.

"But sir i still insist it's better to fight him being a ghost than a human" Morgan voiced feeling unconvinced.

"Morgan" I looked at him intently. "Someone once told me that its  better to show yourself to your enemies while fighting them rather than hide and fight"

"What?" He asked puzzled.

I chuckled. "Exactly my point. So get prepared. Let's head down to the hospital" I instructed him and strolled into the bedroom of my luxury suite to dress up.



"I've always told you peanut not to skip meals. Now look at you" My father scolded him.

"Dad I'm fine. It's just exhaustion" I rolled my eyes at him playfully and backed him. I was feeling so weak and tired.

"Can you hear yourself. Just exhaustion" He sighed heavily. He brought a change of clothes for me that morning while May prepared a sumptuous meal  but I had no appetite.

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now