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The doorbell rang and Mabel rushed out of the room excited "He's here" she blushed and handed me my purse and phone. At that moment, I felt my heart beat louder and it continued. "Oh God" I cried out all shakened up.

I had deliberately not told my parents about Bryan or the dinner and all of that but I knew Mabel could not keep her big mouth to herself. She obviously informed them and now they were also eager to know what kind of man he was.

I could swear, they were purposely sitting downstairs in the living room just to take an assessment of Bryan. What I do not know was how much Mabel told them about him. I just hoped she had left out, the boss and billionaire part. Because it will definitely get my parents worked up, especially my mom.

When I waited for a few minutes and Mabel wasn't returning, I decided to go down to see things for myself. Possibly my parents were interrogating him or vice versa.

I forced myself to move as my legs felt heavy in the six inch heels I wore, as I climbed down the stairs, it felt like a princess emerging the ball room to be received by her prince charming.

Just as I got to the last steps on the stairs, my prince charming was standing there and smiling at me.

I smiled nervously, as my eyes rummaged all over his body from his hair right down to his shoes. He looked handsomely stunning. He wore a dark grey checked suit and a black shirt with the suit revealing his toned biceps.

I swallowed hard as I imagined him hugging me with those strong arms of his.

My thoughts were distracted when he said "Wow", stuttering for words and his eyes roving over my body like I was a damn statue. "You look beautiful and regal" he muttered digging into my eyes without breaking the contact.

Regal was definitely the motivation behind my dress up. I smiled searching for the right word "You're handsomely stunning" I said in a soft tone - I finally said it. He took my hands in his and led me towards the door.

I hardly even took notice of my parents but when I peeped at them with my side eyes, they were obviously blushing and melting.

There was this burning desire in Bryan's eyes and this sensation that went through my body as my hands touched his. Then my mother's voice filtered through the room "Have fun darling, and don't be too late" she warned.

"Bye Peanut" my father called out after me. I almost did feel embarrassed about their actions but I just smiled as we stepped into Bryan's car.

My parents were not so rich. We were an average family but they always tried their best to give us all we needed.

My mother worked at the children's help center as an instructor while my father was a court clerk, though he's retired. But he enjoys his retirement offering voluntary services where he could find one.


The ride to the dinner was quiet at first. We kept stealing stares at each other from time to time. I didn't want to initiate the conversation first. So I engaged my minds with thoughts.

Bryan didn't drive himself - ofcourse what was I thinking. I had never seen him drive himself before. The more I tried to meditate, the stronger his scent made it impossible for me to think.

The scent was strong enough to turn on any woman. I barely resisted it by just sitting there.

"Your parents are amazing" He said with a controlled smile. I turned to look at him and our eyes met. I quickly looked down.

"Yea they are" I retorted.

"Your sister too is quite the charmer" he added.

"Mabel is a sweet girl. You can't afford not to like her" I answered. "I think she likes you".

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now