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The living room was so quiet like there was no in it as I walked in with Michelle holding her by her waist. She didn’t look too surprised as we drove into the Brent’s country home.

Although the tall trees and flowers still blossomed, the air was still cool and breezy as it has always been. This was where I mostly spent my weekends back then as a child. Because my mother was always so busy, she never had time for her family.

So on weekends, my father will drive us here to stay and enjoy the calmness from the busy city. But as I grew older, after my dad passed away, I saw myself coming here every other day, mostly to escape the stresses of life.

But my mother on the other hand, has never liked this country home. She always preferred staying in the city at the center of all the attention.

As we took our seat, I noticed Bridget was already there sitted on one of the couch. She smiled at me and rolled her eyes at Michelle.

Few minutes later, Mary Brent walked in with an elderly man and two others who I instantly recognized as Seven Williams. He was my father’s lawyer while the other two were his junior associates.

Once he saw me, he walked up to me and greeted me with a handshake smiling “It’s been a while Bryan, so much accomplishment over the years” he commended settling down on the seat across me.

My mother’s face turned to Michelle and then to me, eyeing me. I knew she wanted an explanation to who she was.

“What?” I chuckled. “She’s my girlfriend.”

“Oh," she said with a disapproved look on her face.

Then Michelle greeted her with a smile “I’m Michelle Jones and it’s so nice to finally meet you Mrs. Brent" she held at her hand.

My mother roamed her eyes over her before shaking her hands aversely faking a smile. Then she turned to me stunned “I thought I said family" she said through gritted teeth.

“She is family” I retorted “she’s my family” I repeated kissing Michelle’s cheeks.

She exhaled heavily shaking her head disapprovingly but there was obviously nothing she could do. If she tried to walk Michelle out, she knew I was definitely going to leave with her. So she respected herself. Her countenance was gloomy as she tried so hard not to lose control.

Barr. Seven Williams introduced his associates as Cassidy Collins and Harper Wood. The briefing started shortly and Williams intimated us more about the case which we all listened to.

“It’s been almost three months since the arrest of Senator Boyce Brent. I have had the privilege of visiting him in prison. The police said they had some evidences that proved he was the murderer and have decided to charge him to court for the court to convict him. I have also tried gaining audience with the deceased family but they won’t bulge. They’re devastated and mourning and want to press other charges against Boyce.”

I looked at him confused. “What other charges do they want to press?”

“DOMESTIC ABUSE” he said adjusting his glasses.

“Domestic abuse” Everyone echoed and he nodded affirmatively.

I scoffed. “Boyce will never lay a finger on anyone let alone a woman that he loves”.

“Exactly,” Bridget nodded in agreement.

“So what evidence do they have and what are our chances, because if the police is charging him to court, it literally means the state is suing right?” I arched a brow waiting for a response.

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now