[47] Part 1

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She was curled up in the bed crying when I entered the room. I couldn’t stand her tears. Why did I have to act so cruel to her today? If only I could punish myself for what I did. I would have probably flogged myself ruthlessly.

I wanted to fucking hold her and tell how sorry I was so I snuck up behind her putting my arms around her. She shuddered and pushed herself away from me.

She obviously wasn’t appreciating my presence. She nudged my hands that were over body away from her. I tried it again only this time around she snapped at me.

“Bryan please don’t ” she cried out. “I’m not in the mood for this….”

“I’m sorry for earlier” I apologized coming over to her front. “I don’t know what came over me. Maybe because I missed you so much”

“Would you continue to use that line as an excuse? She asked me wiping her tears away. “You really don’t know what you did right? You accused me of being unfaithful to you when I’ve been out there worried sick about your presumed death”.

I exhaled deeply taking a seat beside her on the bed as she sat up with her back on the headrest. “Cupid, honestly I don’t like that Quentin guy and ….”

“And you’ve made it clear countless times too” she cut me through.

“Fine! But you do know he likes you right? And I mean in a very attractive way. I’ve seen the way he looks at you” I explained it plainly to her.

“Can we stop making this about me and Quentin” she begged. “Why don’t you tell me in details how you figured out your uncle’s plan and how you surmounted it?”

I chuckled gently pushing a strand of hair away from her face “Would that make you feel better?

“Mmhmm! I’m curious”

“Okay, but first “You’ll have to do three things for me” I smiled mischievously.

“Babe, I’m not liking the sound of this at all” she retorted shaking her head in disapproval.

“Oh! C’mon it’s nothing serious. You can do them. Just give me the go ahead and I will reveal”

“Fine, what are they?"

“One, You have to say you forgive me. Two, you have to French kiss me and lastly you have to fuck me.”

She let out a heavy laugh that made her jump out of the bed holding onto her chest. I didn’t even know when I joined her in laughing. I had not seen her laugh so hard this way. She was beautiful. Watching her, she looked so innocent and sweet. I wanted things to go back to normal.

I remembered those days when I could send her my love in the mornings and in the evenings. Those days when I didn’t have to worry about Boyce or Brentarc or Alpha Group – about absolutely nothing. I would do everything within my power to bring back to those memories.

“Baby” she said tears in her eyes. Her cheeks were wet “I’m sorry. You really did crack me up. That was a very hilarious request that was why I laughed so hard.”

“Was it?” I stared at her face with raised eyebrows. This was me wearing my serious look.

“What…. why the serious face” she asked slowly walking over to me on the bed. “You didn’t find it funny?”

“I did at first but later I couldn’t keep my eyes off you. I just kept admiring your charm, beauty and innocence” I pulled her into me once she was close to me. My arms wrapping around her waist with her hand spread across my neck.

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now