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I wanted today to be perfect even though Boyce’s trial verdict was to be given in the next three days. I wanted to surprise her. I had everything planned and everyone informed.

I tried to get as busy as I could that Sunday so as to ward of suspicions from her. She said she wanted to go visit her mum at the hospital so I had to go with her. While we were in the room, my phone vibrated, it was Millie. She was calling to inform me she was in the house.

"Ok Millie, I will be there soon" I told her and hung up.

Michelle looked at me curious. "Are you expecting a visitor?’"

“Yea, I asked Millie to bring something to the house for me, and she’s waiting"

"Ok, I will stay a little longer here” she said.

How did she even know what I wanted to say to her? "It’s alright cupid, take your time. I'll ask Megan to come pick you up, when you're ready to leave” I said kissing her hair, and placing a kiss on Monica's forehead before heading out.


Millie was sitted in the living room, when I walked in. She greeted me and handed me two big bags. One filled with clothes and the other with shoes. I had asked her to go shopping for Michelle as part of the surprise I had for her.

"Thanks Millie” I smiled at her heading upstairs for the room. I rung May because she was supposed to dress Michelle up.

"Boobear" I spoke "the clothes are here".

"Ok boo, that’s good. I will be there in two hours’ time" she replied.

"Um I was thinking, why doesn’t she dress up from your place instead?"

I could sense her excitement through the phone "Oh that would be perfect, just send the stuffs over and get her to me asap" she giggled.

"Thanks May. You’re forever a darling"

"Oh C'mon boo, you know, I always got you. I’m waiting" and she hung up.

I went through the clothes and picked out the perfect dress and accessories and sent it across to May through Megan.



It was exactly 7pm when the Rolls Royce Culinnan pulled into the parking lot of the II Cielo garden restaurant and bar. I still could not understand what was going on. Why was I in this fancy restaurant dressed up in this expensive dress?

Megan said it was Bryan's orders. What was he up to asking May to dress me up? I looked flawlessly sexy almost like a model. The environment was cool with lots of natural decors. Maybe it was just a date I blushed.

I waited for a while before the car door swung opened. "My God" my lips parted. I was breathless. It was like my soul melted within my body. I was speechless scooping him from head down to his toe again. Bryan was the most handsome person I had ever seen in my entire life. He stood there looking like a Greek god, no wonder my father was charmed by him. Honestly, I could never get enough of him.

"Hey beautiful” he smiled gently taking my hands and helping me off the car.

"Hey handsome” I stared deep into his eyes as I stuttered for preceding words and he smiled.

Once i was out of the car, I noticed his eyes scanning through my body like he was checking me out, up to my exposed cleavage and up to my lips. He held me by my waist and pulled me into a hot, sexy kiss that immediately aroused me.

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now