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The blaring of the alarm clock woke me up at about five in the morning. I struggled to rise from bed because I really wanted to go back to sleep. But to get to work early, it's now or never. So sluggishly, I rose to my feet, yawning and stretching.

Because of how sleepy I still felt, I hadn't noticed how close I was to the bedside drawer, until I dashed my foot against it.

"Ouch" I whined in pains, sitting back on the bed, I used my hands to gently rub the affected toe. I stretched and switched on the light to reveal the room. The pain on my feet was gradually dying down and I hoped it will eventually seize.

Minutes later, I was more than relieved so I stood up to prepare for my early morning jogging, that was after I had whispered a brief prayer of thanksgiving.

Well, I was raised in a religious home. My parents had high moral values especially my mom and she always emphasized how important it was for my sister and I to imbibe them - good morals and cultured behaviours.

I changed into a pale green joggers and a black tank top, wore my converse and held my dark brown hair with a hair band. Picking up my timer, I fastened it to my arms with my headphones on and within split seconds I was out jogging and enjoying the cool morning breeze.

There was nothing I loved more, than working out especially jogging or running because aside keeping me fit, it kept me mentally stable, clearing my head to be smart and sharp to tackle the activities of the day - Not that I work out every day but I try as much as I can, atleast twice a week.

Forty five minutes later, I found myself back at the front yard of our house after covering about ten miles. My mother usually watered the flowers that stood beautifully there so she was just where I expected her to be by the time I got back.

"Good morning Mom" I greeted her with a smile on my face, walking into the house when she immediately called me back.

"Elle, are you ok?" she asked, her face plastered with worry. I looked at her confused because I did not see that question coming.

"Of course mom, I'm great" I answered playfully, trying to engage in some jumping jacks routine. My actions were definitely annoying her that early morning but I was so oblivious to it.

She moved closer to where I was exercising and I stopped brusquely once her hands swathed round my arms, then down to my wrists like she was taking my measurement for a dress.

"You look like you've been skipping meals that it's becoming so obvious on you" She complained, her voice laced with concern as I fought the urge to not roll my eyes, letting out a half smile. "You're appearing emaciated darling and you keep doing these extreme work-out routines"

How could she tell? "Oh come on mom, I'm fine, maybe it's as you said, I'm working out too much" I stated the obvious before remembering her actions just now and it cracked me up. "Wait a minute"... I asked her with a smirk on my face "Was that why you were taking measurements of my body with your hands?"

She gave me a wide smile and nodded. "Ok mom" I held her upper arms looking at her face. "I don't want you worrying much about my losing weight. Honestly, I've been stressed lately at work and my sleep timings have been quite short too" I explained. "But I'm fine. It's just for a while"

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now