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The day of the funeral was finally here. I still could not believe that Bryan was no more.

In the last couple of days, I had deliberately turned my mind and focused on him because I wanted to dream about him to keep my memory of him fresh but my mind was utterly blank.

Boyce had not had it any easier. He was devastated after Bridget broke the news to him. It tore him apart even though he wasn’t completely recovered from his previous attack.

Just as Bridget said, Maryrose Brent was seriously up to something. She visited Bryan's house one of the days when I was out.

According to Sarah, she came with some persons who she suspected were Estate valuers, perhaps to value the property. What she didn’t know was that I wasn’t going to give in that easily to her.

I was going to fight for what Bryan owned. Even though Bryan and I were not married, I sure meant everything and even more to him. Therefore, I was going to protect every asset he had remaining.

As I sat infront of the mirror, I pulled out the red lipstick and drew it across my lips staring at myself intently while recollecting the memories of Bryan in my head.

I remembered the first day I set my eyes on him. It was infront of Jake's studio. How radiant he looked that night. Though I didn’t know who he was, but I sure did admire and fancy him almost immediately.

Or was it when I bumped into him at work, or our first ever dinner, or when I got kidnapped and how he found ways to rescue me or when he had to face his employees and tell them they just lost their jobs. The pain and struggle he felt in doing that. He was a brave, high spirited, loving and caring young man.

Bryan did not deserve to die. My thoughts were getting the best of me and I began to tremble, I was afraid. My eyes flooded with tears so I squeezed them shut allowing the tears run down my cheeks and down to my neck continuously. The more I thought of him, the more the tears gushed out.

I remained that way for quite some time that I didn’t notice Mabel and May walk into the room. They both stood behind me with gloomy faces. May wrapped her hands around my neck and leaned to rest her chin on my shoulders.

I perceived that she was also shedding tears when I felt the warm substance drop on my shoulders. Then I opened my eyes and squeezed her arms tight as we gave each other an assuring look.

"Sissy, we're going to be late for the funeral if we don’t leave now" Mabel said softly with a grimaced look on her face.

May nodded in agreement to what Mabel had said. She took the brush and applied some powder on my face smearing it along the path the tears had flowed through, thus concealing the marks.

I wore a black bodycon dress slightly above the knee with a black double breasted coat and an ankle four-inch boot. I let my wavy hair fall down to my shoulders and put a pair of dark shades over my eyes.

"Ready" I motioned to Mabel and May as they both tucked their arms under mine and led me out of the room and onto the waiting car already outside.

"I'm so sorry about everything Ma'am" the driver said. As I looked up it was Taylor and I flashed a faint smile at him.

"It’s good to see you Taylor" I responded as Mabel took my hands in hers giving it a gentle squeeze. I had dismissed all of the body guards including all the domestic staffs when Bryan died leaving only Sarah and her daughter then Morgan.

Morgan told me that Taylor and Megan were going to be around today to guard me perhaps something threatened my safety. I was more than grateful to him. "Where is Megan" I asked Taylor who was now looking at me through the rearview mirror.

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now