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We made up a week ago after the crazy stunt he pulled. I convinced him to move back home with me. I made him promise never to treat me that way ever again. I made him promise to involve me in all that he was going through and he surely did.

But what was going on now. Throughout the day I hadn’t set my eyes on him. Even at work, twice I rang his office and there was no response. I called his cellphone and met his voicemail. I even went up to his office to check on him but I was told he was in a meeting and had several others lined up.

Bryan was shattered and devastated due to the instability of the company. He was just trying to be strong because watching all you’ve worked about to collapse wasnt funny. So it’s been series of meetings and travels within the past four days. The legal department had filed the law suit and hearing was going to be fixed soon.

I imagined how exhausted he would be with the sleepless nights and long hours of meetings. I really thought of how I could help. The rumour had already filtered into the air and the reporters were not making it any easier. They were exaggerating the magnitude and it was making Bryan infuriated.

Once you put on the TV, you will see disturbing headlines like: BRENTARC: Dead or Alive; another one will read Billionaire Brent faces crisis as Brentarc runs into bankruptcy or Doom looms for the Brent’s family.

I hated it when he didn’t check on me despite all the happenings after the agreement we had. My thoughts kept racing in circles as I sat close to the window of the bedroom with my knees raised up and my jaws resting on them, looking at the droplets of rain that fell from the sky.

My face was flushed with anger and tears streamed from my eyes. It was almost 10pm and he wasn’t back home. My phone buzzed and I became excited to pick up thinking it was the call I’d been expecting but No, it was just my kid sister, Mabel.

I think I knew why she was calling. She must have heard about Brentarc on the news. I didn’t want her to worry, let alone my parents. So I just busied her calls. But she kept calling and even sent a message “Please pick your calls, its urgent” she said.

What’s the urgency? I became very nervous and answered the call.  “Mabel! What’s wrong?” I asked panicking. There was no response. My temperature rose almost immediately even with the cold weather and chilly room. I noticed droplets of sweat forming on my forehead, my palms and my feet.

Then I heard a faint cry. “It’s mom! Its mom!” She said sobbing.

“What about mom?” I began fidgeting

“She…. she’s in the hospital. She had an accident…. and I’m so scared!” She cried aloud.

I didn’t notice when I lost my balance and tripped over the chair that was beside the window. My phone crashed to the ground. “Ouch!" I groaned in pains and tears gushed out my eyes.

“No! No!” I kept screaming and crying as I managed to get up, picking up my phone. She had already texted me the hospital’s address so I found my keys and dashed out of the house.


An hour later, I found myself in the hospital lobby after driving need for speed. I searched through looking for either my father or Mabel but I couldn’t find them. I approached a nurse…… “Mrs. Monica Jones” I said to her.

“She’s in surgery” she answered directing me to where I could see my family. I saw pity for me in her eyes but I just ran all the way until I saw my father sitted trembling. Mabel was resting her forehead on the wall crying. I rushed over to my dad.

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now