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"So babe, what was his demand?" Nora asked me as I settled myself on the couch heaving a sigh.

"A place of safety. He was almost done serving his time in prison, so I guess he was making plans for after. I was his rain check and he wanted to use his card" I explained to her still with a heavy heart.

"So Bryan decided to take care of it?" She arched an eyebrow like she was cajoling me to admit an offence.

"Yea he did, he helped him secure an apartment and gave him some good amount of mo..."

"Its not his fault then " she cut me even before I completed my statement.

"I know, I'm not saying it's his?"

"Oh c'mon Mich" she gave a dismissive wave of her hands. "Then why are you here? You've practically ignored him for a week now. Why are you punishing him Mich? No man would be happy to see his girlfriend worrying this much about another guy who literally endangered her life. Think about it" She pointed her fingers to her head figuratively. "Do you know how much Bryan keeps bugging my phone everyday because of you. Babe you need to go back home and talk things over with him. Okay" She scooted over to where I sat and placed her hands over me. "Come here" I drew closer to her and she wrapped her arms around me.
"I know it's not easy. But did you have feelings for this guy. I know he kissed you about three times......"

"Two actually"

She chuckled. "Look at you" she teased. "You even remember, good memory but did it trigger any feelings at all?"

"No it didnt. I just feel bad for him and the way Evans killed him"

"Yea, I'm sorry about that. Evans is one gullible bastard that needs to die" she remarked sarcastically and we both chuckled lightly as she continued giving me a thousand reasons why Evans just had to be caught and arrested.  He's done alot of damage already.

Later on that day, I went home. I'd been away for almost a week. No communication whatsoever with Bryan and I must commend his understanding and patience. Though i knew how terrible and frustrated I must have made him feel this past week.

But I just wanted to clear my heart of all the Quentin drama. At last, it was all over.

Thoughts of surprising Bryan came to my mind and I decided to make dinner and surprise him with the gift i got him when i travelled to Dubai with May.

I prepared beef and mushrooms sauce with mashed potatoes. Sarah helped me to organize the dining area and the servings after I was done while I went in to shower.

I put on a peach bodycon sleeveless dress after showering, blow dried my hair and putting on enough cologne. I stepped out of the room and headed to the cellar and took out a very good bottle of red wine and made my way back to the dinning.

The arrangement was top notch. "Thank you so much Sarah" I nodded acknowledging all the hardwork she put in to make this dinner perfect.

Some minutes past eight pm and Bryan wasnt home yet. I became worried and restless tapping my foot on the ground. I swiped through my phone. Whenever I got to his number to dial it, i just stopped in my tracks and the next thing i drop the phone back on the table. The cycle repeated for about four times. I was getting really worried but something happened, the fourth time I mistakenly did dial the number and  before I could cut the call, he picked. Only hearing those deep toned voice sent cold sparks of electricity through my body.

"Helo baby" the voice called out four times and then I heard his harsh breath through the phone. His voice died down only his up and down breaths I could hear.

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now