[53] Part 3

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The Royal Belize was a private island and the perfect holiday getaway venue hideout. Bryan had booked ahead even before I came around meaning he already had my leave figured out.

It was supposed to be a week long vacation away from the hustle and bustle of the world.

I was so excited that I called and informed Nora just to brag about it. Upon arrival at the airport, I was shocked to find Morgan there.

"Welcome Boss, Maam." He greeted us with a bow.

"Oh, hi Morgan. Its so good to see you here in Belize" I smiled.

"You too Miss Jones" he gave a half smile and opened the door of the car for us.

Once we were sitted, I spoke up almost immediately pointing at Morgan's direction.  "Morgan....?"

"I know. You're surprised" Bryan cut me through with a smirk on his face. "The thing is Morgan's been in communication with me all this time. How do you think I got most of my details about happenings?"

I looked at him awed and shocked. "Unbelievable! You mean Morgan knows you're alive? Wait - Was he also keeping tabs on me and reporting back to you? because as I think about it, i never remembered telling you much about Quentin but you seem to know alot of details"

"Ahah. Speaking of that loser." He smirked again. "Yes I asked Morgan to keep tabs on you and him too. You know you never told me about the hotel scene"

"What?" I frowned at him.

"You met with him in a hotel babe. Why?"

"Met with who exactly and for what?" I asked confused.

"Quentin ofcourse and you tell me the reason" he argued.

"Bryan can we just stop right now" I raised my both hands in dismissing the topic with a stern voice "Please, Quentin is already serving his term in prison. Besides it's all in the past and I didnt tell you for this same reason"

His body stiffened at my remark. He clenched his fist. "Really Cupid. For the same reason? You're now defending that idiot?  Did you fucking sleep with him behind my back?" He yelled with a harsh tone.

"Hell No Bryan. What do you take me for? A slut or what?" I shouted angrily and then breathed heavily trying to be calm and not loose it.  "Babe I'm sorry" I apologizedto Bryan who was now staring at me frozen. "Nothing happened between I and Quentin, I swear" I shook my head and swallowed hard. "He only forced his lips on mine a couple of times which I slapped him for it"

"He kissed you?" He questioned with an angry tone. His face was flushed red with a clenched jaw that was vibrating. "I cant believe that motherfucker would kiss my woman. I swear he would surely pay for it in jail" He threw his fist into the back of the passengers seat punching so hard.

"Baby. Please" I held his arms to stop him. I was shaking, not what I expected.

This was exactly not the way I'd planned on starting my holiday. I needed to calm Bryan down now otherwise my whole vacation will be ruined. I knew him. He could decide to ignore me or days even weeks and that attitude was one I couldnt deal with.


I'd not really taken a vacation in a really long time and alone. It was usually with family. But being here on an island alone with the man I love was something unimaginable to me.

I could not believe what I was seeing. It was real what they also said about this place. The atmosphere, the ambience, the environment were all breathtaking.

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now