[61] Part 1

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The death of my mother wasn't a shock to me at all. after seating for hours and listening to all the atrocities she committed while alive. I felt more hatred towards her. There was not an ounce of pity. Infact she disgusted me the more. Sleeping with two brothers and a best friend. Killing her own husband and sister inlaw.

No wonder my father hated James Benson so much. This was exactly his crime; sleeping with his wife and planning to kill him.

The worst of it all was fighting her own children, she gave birth to even up to the point of murdering me. Gosh, She was greedy, wicked, selfish and an embodiment of pure evil.

I told Boyce that she should be buried right away. There was no need of keeping her corpse. She was not human but a beast.

At first it raised a heated argument amongst us since I was the only one nursing such thoughts.

We argued so much to the point that I lost it and asked them out of my house.

But on the long run, they both succumbed and we buried her in a very private ceremony a week later. Literally it was just family and close friends that were family that attended.

So, a part of me was very happy. Now all I needed was just to focus back on me and my life.

Jake's test result came back with a positive news and made everyone more happier finding out that he would still be able to use his legs but with lots of physiotherapy.

He was discharged a week after my mother's burial. May and Michelle decided to organise a house warming get together for him and also Bridget. It was awesome being together again. It brought back lots of memories from the past.

There were lots of food and drinks to eat, light music to dance to and a beautiful decor. They even got a very big present for him. We ate, drank, danced, reminisced about the past and finally wanted making a toast.

"Seriously guys let me make this toast please" May pleaded whining like a baby.

"Why are you always the one making the toast?" Jake questioned playfully.

"Because I'm better at it than anyone" she snorted with a hint of smirk on her face. jumping up to her feet with a glass of wine in her hand, she started muttering some words that drew everyone's attention to her.

"Guys, it's so wonderful knowing you all. I mean we've been through altogether but yet we we safe landed. This was a family of just four before, I'm talking about myself, Bryan, Ollie and Jake but today we've grown and expanded to this"she grinned widely."Yes, we have now Michelle, our queen bee, Bridget - our baby princess, Nora- the ice queen and finally Sean."


"So I'm making this toast today to friendship, togetherness, oneness, harmony and love. Cheers"

"Yah!" We cheered on and clinged our glasses together, sipping wine in laughter.

"Okay okay" Ollie raised his hands to calm the atmosphere. "Guys I have an announcement to make" he said looking at me "Bryan, I have seriously talked over this with Jake. It's not for any specific reason but would you do me the honour of being my best man?"

"What" Every one screamed in awe with their hands covering their mouths.

I was surprised dumbfounded. "You sure about this Jake" I confirmed from him.

"Yes man, just do it" he said beaming with smiles.

"Okay man, I accept" I chuckled shaking his hands.

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now