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Millie: “Sorry sir for calling so late”, the blonde lady on the other end said, apologising.

Bryan: “It’s ok Millie, besides am still awake. Are you ok?” I asked her.

Millie: “Yes sir…. I just wanted to apologize again for what happened today, and…… your mother dropped a message for you”.

Bryan: “She did?” I asked with a surprised tone. First she didn’t call before barging into my office and now she’s leaving messages for me when she could contact me directly. Typical Mary Brent always wanted to be in control and feel important.

Millie: “Yes sir, I forgot to tell you about it when you got back to the office because of your mood and the meetings you had”

Bryan: “Nah, its fine Mille, I just don’t like when my instructions are being flouted but I understand that’s my classic mother. So what is this urgent message” I asked adjusting the cap I wore.

Millie: “She said it was about your brother, Senator Boyce Brent".

My eyes widened in surprise at the mention of his name. The last time I saw and spoke to him was about three months ago when we attended the same function at Brussels.

Boyce was my elder brother, older than me with two years but I was taller. He was twenty- nine years old and doing very well. I was 6ft. 3 while he was 6 ft. 2 in height.

We looked somewhat alike but can never be confused as twins. He was an accomplished young man, studied political science and found himself in the world of politics. He was about the youngest senator in the United States.

Yes, my family was kind of a great deal because we were basically all public figures, right from my father down to my little sister - Bridget Brent. She was an amazing actress who was doing very well for her age.

Bryan: “What about Boyce?” I inquired further.

Millie: “She didn’t leave many details, other than he was in trouble and will be needing help”

Ofcourse, it will always be about Boyce I muttered. Even while she was away in London, she still thought about him and visited him. Not that I cared about her affections because Boyce was literally her perfect little son.

This was definitely not me, being envious or anything but she only thought about him and probably herself. I ended the call with Millie and noticed my friends were already outside waiting for me.

“Everything alright”, May asked yawning. She was awake and resting her head on Ollie’s shoulders as his hands wrapped around her waist.

“Yea" I retorted hurrying past them to go pay for our drinks when Jake stopped me.

“It’s been taken care of” he spoke holding my shoulders.

“Why didn’t you guys wait for me to do that?” I asked, pressing my lips into a thin line.

“Because you always do that -”

“And I wanted to do it today for a change” Ollie cut off Jake’s statement smirking at me as I put my hands into the pocket of my trousers.

I personally do not like bothering them with paying the bills whenever we hung out. Not that I’m proud or anything but I just feel I’m richer and have got more money so why stress their pockets.

My friends were also doing very well, so that you don’t think they’re paupers. I mean Ollie is a Veterinary doctor, operating in his own personal space. Jake, on the other hand just opened a world class recording studio weeks back. He was a musician but specialized more in production – that made him an entertainment producer.

May Delaure was a sophisticated model, she modelled for big brands like Victoria secret, Gap, Nike ,Lois Vuitton, Chanel, Hermes, Lacoste amongst others. She also did runways and TV commercials alongside.

I remembered my mother constantly nagging at me, on why I had to hang out with such persons as friends on so many occasions when we were in high school. She looked down on them, never seeing them as people who could accomplish greatness in life. Though I ignored her, but then look at us today.

Our friendship bond actually began from elementary school right through University – New York University. Architecture was my major; Jake majored in Music while Ollie majored in Veterinary Medicine.

He’s always been a lover of animals. As for Jake, he was multitalented back then. We usually called him ‘Jake of all trades’. He could draw, paint, compose and even sing songs but he chose to specialize in music production as of now. I had the perfect set of friends, my subconscious grinned as I thought about it.

We talked for a short time while standing at the parking lot. It was few minutes past eleven pm when we bade each other goodbye and parted into the night.

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