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Matured content: Please and please be warned.. .(18+) if you cant handle it.


I knew something was wrong but what I didn’t know was if it had to do with what happened over the weekend or there was more to it.

The instant I saw him that Monday with a bandaged hand, I couldn’t think straight. I tried talking to him but he snubbed and ignored my very existence.

It’s been three days and Bryan had still not said a word to me. We sleep on the same bed yet whenever I tried to talk to him, he vehemently ignores me. It was like I was invisible to him - I was there but he could not see me.

Gosh. The silent treatment was killing me especially at nights when I felt like cuddling and holding onto him but I could not. And yet I still hadn’t found the courage to confront him about it.

Maybe I was being a coward but I couldn’t bear the pains and heartbreak any longer. I thought of going back home to San Diego but staying away from him will just hurt more so I decided to switch rooms to another. I had asked Jacob to help me move my things to the room adjoining the stairs.

So I was lying on the bed, lost in thoughts that I didn’t realize I was crying. I miss Bryan. I missed him so much. My body was craving him madly. It’s like I was going to run mad if I don’t see him.

Even at work, I’d been destabilized, making so many mistakes in things that ordinarily should not be.  Maybe talking to someone will help me out of my misery.

I stood from the bed, threw on a midi denim gown and a black knee length boot. I applied a little make up and let my hair fall to my shoulders.

Just when I was about to walk out of the room, I got startled by Bryans voice. It was so deep and loud. I listened to get what he was saying. It was like he was asking Sarah a question.

“Sarah what happened to Michelle, all of her belongings are gone?”

“I don’t really know Mr. Brent", Sarah replied.

Then he yelled at her “How would say that when your job is to look after the house and everyone in it”

“I’m sorry,” she apologized feeling very sober. “I’ll check around the house.”

Few minutes later, chants of my name were heard flying around and filtering through every room in the house. I was getting agitated so I opened the door and came out of the room; my eyes immediately fell on Bryan.

He was standing right there at the door – probably he wanted to open it. We stared at each other before he grabbed me forward and hugged me tightly “You’re making me go crazy” his lips grazed my ears as he whispered.

His right hands moved up and down my back before they finally stopped on my butts and he held onto them. Then I wrapped my arms round his waist buried in his chest, I kept inhaling his scent. “Love……” I wanted to speak but he muted me.

“Let’s go somewhere” he said kissing my hair and carrying me bridal style. I was careful not let my weight much on his right hand because of the injury.

He walked to the car. Gerald opened the door for him and he slid me in on the seat.

“Ah” he groaned in pains as his hands grazed the door.

“Sorry” I comforted him and touched his hands, staring and gently caressing it against the bandages.

As the car moved, he withdrew his hands back to his side then I understood it was time for some serious business. I began building momentum, attacks and defenses.

Bryan Brent(The U-Turn)Where stories live. Discover now