Flashback (Pt. 1)

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(A Few Months Earlier)

Izuku walked slowly through a tunnel on his way back to his house. Bakugo had just finished telling him for like the hundredth time to give up on his dreams, and at this point, Izuku was starting to believe him. Izuku dragged his feet, too lost in his own thoughts to see the giant glob of liquid heading towards him.

The villain approached him fast, catching Izuku off guard. Izuku let out a startled yelp, jumping backwards quickly. The villain swung at him again, catching Izuku in the side of his ribs. Izuku fell to the ground and groaned, pushing himself back up.

"You're a fighter kid, I'll give you that, but I need a new vessel for my body so I'm not taking it easy on you!", the glob creature shrieked, lunging again at Izuku. While the villain was talking, Izuku had managed to start up his quirk, shooting to the side of him with ease. Izuku activated his quirk and focused on raising the creature off of the ground.

The glob began to raise as Izuku struggled to keep him there. He was sweating, already feeling a headache starting to form inside his head. Izuku struggled finding his phone, and looked around him frantically. When he spotted it he groaned, it was under where the villain was floating.

"Damn it he must have knocked it out of my pocket when he hit me", Izuku cursed. He looked back up at the glob who's eyes were staring right back at him.

"Cool power you got there, but it seems to be putting a strain on you, isn't it", the villain teased. Izuku ignorer his remarks trying to focus on keeping the monster afloat.

"What do I do? I can't get to my phone without risking dropping the monster and I doubt any heroes will hear my yelling for help this far from a main road-", Izuku's thought process was cut short as the glob sent an extension of himself towards Izuku.

Izuku tried to dodge it but it already got a hold of his abdomen. "Shit"

Izuku's quirk lost its affect and the villain was dropped back onto the pavement, pulling Izuku closer. Izuku struggled, "No! Get away from me!", he screamed trying to wiggle himself free to no avail.

"Stop moving around, it'll only make things worse for you," The villain hissed as he allowed his body to start overcoming Izuku. Soon Izuku was choking on the glob as the villain began to take him over.

"Fuck now what do I do! I can't breathe, I'm going to die if I don't do something now!" Izuku screamed internally, trying his best to reactivate his power, only to have his head begin to throb even more.

Izuku's vision was already starting to blur from the lack of oxygen and he could feel his mind getting fuzzy. Black started to fill his vision as he looked to the end of the tunnel, where the last thing he saw before passing out was a black figure running towards him.

512 Words

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