Finally Back

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Izuku was finally going to be released from the hospital after another week of doing nothing but laying in bed and playing on his phone. His class even started a group chat with everyone so Izuku could still talk to them while in the hospital.

Kirishima: Hey dude! When are you coming back to class, it's been like a month.
Iida: Correction, it's technically only been about two weeks.
Bakugo: Fuck off Iida, you know what he meant.
Mina: Oh shit, here we go.
Iida: Did. You. Just. Cuss. In. My. Presence.
Bakugo: Fuck yeah I did! The fuck are you gonna do about?
Izuku: Hey guys.
Uraraka: Hi Deku! About time you responded back, why haven't you been texting that much?
Izuku: I've been sleeping.
Bakugo: Fucking nerd, if you're just laying around all day doing nothing then why aren't you in class?
Kaminari: Bakugo, that is literally what you are supposed to do when you are in the hospital
Bakugo: I don't remember asking, Pikachu
Todoroki: Can you guys not blow up my phone? I'm trying to sleep.
Sero:'s like 5 pm.
Tokoyami: I'm with Todoroki, some of us are trying to sleep.
Tsuyu: You too Tokoyami?
Tokoyami: I'm nocturnal
Kirishima: Anyways, Izuku when are you coming back to class
Izuku: Actually, I get discharged tonight, so hopefully tomorrow?
Uraraka: Yay!!!!
Bakugo: fuck
Izuku: I have to go though, I'll see you guys tomorrow.
Mina: Bye!!!
Tsuyu: Feel better!
Kirishima: Later dude!!
Todoroki: Holy shit, I'm trying to sleep!
Iida: Language!

Izuku laughed to himself and closed his phone. He has been sleeping almost up to 16 hours a day ever since he over used his quirk. It was better than not being able to sleep at all due to his insomnia though. However, the doctors told him it would wear off once his brainwaves went back to normal which, according to their data, would be by tonight. Izuku decided to try to get as much sleep as he could before then.

It was 9 p.m. when Aizawa woke up Izuku. Izuku yawned, stretching his arms above his head and rubbing his eyes. "It's time to go kid." Aizawa said, handing Izuku some normal clothes since he had been in a gown for the past couple weeks. Aizawa stepped outside while Izuku changed. Izuku put on a pair of blue jeans with a white hoodie and opened the door into the hallway. It took his eyes a little while to adjust to the hallway lights since he had had his off the entire time in his room. Aizawa led him to the front desk and checked him out of the hospital.

They both then got into Aizawa's car and headed back to the school. Izuku would've gone to his house but the heroes wanted to keep an eye on him in case he regressed in the middle of the night. On the way there Aizawa was filling Izuku in on everything that he had missed in hero training while he was gone, including a fight between Bakugo and Kaminari. Of course Bakugo ended up winning.
Izuku laughed, smiling happily. It felt like forever since he's been outside of the hospital.

When they finally arrived at the school, Aizawa led Izuku to a room that had a makeshift bed in the center of it along with a blanket and a pillow. "Sorry, it's not much, but you only have to stay here for one night." Aizawa said, rubbing the back of his neck. Izuku shook his head and smiled.

"Don't apologize, it's perfect. Thank you for looking out for me." Izuku said, sitting down on the bed.

"Just so you know, I want you to take it easy in class this week, okay? We don't need you overworking you're quirk right now, even if it's on accident." Aizawa warned Izuku. Izuku nodded his head. "I understand. I promise to be careful."

Aizawa gave Izuku a small smile. "I'll be right down the hallway if you need anything." He then closed the door, leaving Izuku alone once again. Izuku tried to get some sleep but he wasn't tired anymore. Great.

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