He's Over Here

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3rd Person POV

Midoryia's chin rested against his chest as his head throbbed from an intense headache. He had been trying nonstop to use his quirk but he was too disoriented to focus properly. The room he was in was basically freezing, causing the greenette to shiver in his restraints. My wounds are probably going to get infected if they aren't treated soon and if it gets any colder I'll definitely become hypothermic. Midoryia thought to himself. Suddenly the door to the room opened slowly.

Todoroki's POV

Iida and I had managed to make our way inside the warehouse surprisingly easy. That may mean that Gin did not have enough time to hire extra help. Did that mean it was just her in here with us? We approached a door at the end of the hallway that we were walking down, my hand grabbing the cold metal and turning it softly. I pushed the door open, having my body be met with freezing air.

"Holy shit, why the hell is it so cold?" I whispered harshly.

"Maybe because the A/C's on." Iida whispered back. I looked at him.

"No shit, I'm wondering why it's turned down this low though." I pinch the bridge of my nose and look into the large room. There were boxes everywhere, making the room to appear to be smaller than it really was.

"Midoryia?" I called out softly, as I closed the door behind us. Iida and I split up to look around the room and cover more ground.

"Midoryia, are you in here?" Iida asked as he turned the corner of one of the boxes. A soft noise came from the far end of the room, almost too soft to hear. I put my finger to my lips as I look at Iida, signifying for him to be quiet.

"Midoryia, is that you?" We stand still as we wait for another response. After a couple seconds, another grunt comes. "This way." I say to Iida, waving him over in the direction that the noise came from. We looked all around the boxes, trying to make our way towards the other end of the room. I turned the corner of one of the boxes to see a figure slumped over in a chair.

"Midoryia!" I yell out, forgetting that we were supposed to be being stealthy. Iida hears my yell and hurried over to my position. I kneeled down in front of the figure, but the room was too dark to really see much. I took out my phone and pointed the flashlight towards him. His wounds looked nasty as it was clear that they hadn't been tended to during his brief time in the hospital.  His head was drooped in front of him as a blindfold covered his eyes and duct-tape was stretched across his mouth. His hands and feet and had been tied firmly to the chair he was sitting in and it was obvious he had been trying his best to escape because of the rope burns around his wrists and ankles.

He let out another grunt as if to say that he was indeed aware of our presence. I turned to Iida, "Help me with these ropes."

Iida nodded quickly and began releasing Midoryia from his restraints as I took the blindfold and gag off of him. His hair was caked in blood from when Stain has knocked him out, causing his hair to stick to the side of his head where the blindfold was. His eyes opened slowly, squinting softly as if he was not able to make out who we were at first.

"T..Todo-" His voice sounded raspy from dehydration as he went into a short coughing fit. He groaned as his head lolled from one side to another.

"Don't worry Midoryia, we're going to get you out of here." I attempted to assure him. He didn't respond to me as it appeared he had slipped back into unconsciousness. "Iida, help me lift him."

"On it." Iida said as he lifted his friend out of the chair and onto his back. Midoryia's cheek rested against Iida's shoulder as the rest of him remained limp in his arms as Iida carried him like he was giving him a piggyback ride.

"Alright let's get out of here." I say as we turned towards the exit.  We made our way through the tower of boxes, the door to the warehouse exit finally coming into sight. Almost there. I think to myself. We were only a few yards away when the door suddenly opened, revealing Gin. She didn't seem to notice us at first as she rubbed her eyes and stepped in but the moment her pupils focused onto us, he face twisted in frustration.

"Oh no you don't. You're not taking the boy anywhere." She growled as she got into a fighting stance, closing the door behind her.

"I'd like to see you try to stop us." I retort back. That's when Gin's body began to morph. Her silver hair suddenly sprouting all over her body  as she forced herself down onto all fours. A giant fox like creature stood in her place, it's golden eyes piercing through our own. The fox snarled at us, baring it's teeth as it took a step towards us.

"Todoroki, can't you freeze her or whatever?!" Iida screamed at me as we backed up.

"Not yet! She's in front of the door. If I freeze her now then we won't be able to get out of here." I reply back as my eyes remained locked on the creature.

"Look kid, I really don't want to have to do this so just put the boy down."  Gin demanded, her tail flicking from side to side as irritation coursed through her body.

"We can't do that." Iida stated, standing his ground. The fox's brow creased as its face was pulled down into a frown.

"Then so be it." Gin propelled herself forward, her claws stretched out in front of her, ready to slash into our bodies. I prepared myself to attack when suddenly a scarf shot through the air and wrapped around the fox's muzzle, causing it to stop in its tracks. Iida and I looked up to the rafters on the ceiling, spotting Aizawa as he leaped on top of the beast and attempted to wrangle it. His eyes shot up towards us.

"What the hell are you two doing here?"

1078 Words

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