Hero Training

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"I AM HERE WALKING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" The teacher screamed as he threw himself through the doorway.  The entire class erupted into chaos.

"shouldn't he be more focused on rescuing people rather than teaching kids?"

Aizawa sighed turning over in his sleeping bag to face towards the students. "Quiet down so he can talk", he said, obviously wanting to get back to sleep. Izuku wished he could fall asleep as well, these new powers were mentally and physically exhausting. All Might approached the teaching stand with a large smile stretching across his face.

"Today for your first lesson we will be doing Hero Training!" All Might exclaimed. The class cheered at the thought of getting to use their powers again. "Get ready, we're heading down to the Hero Training Course."

The class immediately followed All Might out the door. He then turned to the class and said "And you will get to wear your hero costumes that you've designed!" He announced. The class once again went crazy with enthusiasm as they rushed to put in their new uniforms and continued on their way to the training area. They stopped in front of what appeared to be a large building.

"Alright listen up! This is how it's gonna work," All Might began to explain, "You will all be separated into groups of two. Once you are separated, you will then be categorized as a villain or a hero. There is a prop bomb hidden somewhere in this building", All Might gestured to the huge structure. "It is the villain's job to protect the bomb and stopped the heroes from reaching it. Heroes, it is your job to secure the bomb before the timer runs out." All Might then pulled out pieces of thick strings. "You also can win by capturing either all the heroes or all the villains by tying the string around them."

Everyone nodded as he explained the rules, waiting anxiously to get started. All Might then passed out the strings to each person before separating them into groups.

"No way! We're in a group together! Awesome!" Uraraka shouted running over to Izuku. Izuku became flustered as she began to compliment his costume. Izuku had styled his costume in the liking of Eraser Head but with his own twist. (It is much like the one he has in the canon show but without the hoodie with the ears and the main color is black with outlines of green. The costume also has a belt that Izuku can use his telekinesis on to use as a capture weapon. Izuku also had a pair of goggles that prevent his opponents from seeing who he was looking at)

"T-thank you", he stuttered out a response. "I put a lot of thought into it."

Uraraka smiled, "I can tell, I really like the color scheme!" Izuku face turned a deep color of red as he blushed even harder. She's so nice

"Listen up everybody!" All Might announced, directing everyone's eyes back to him. "The first groups going will be Izuku's group and Katsuki's group!"

"Fuck", Izuku hissed in his head. He turned to Bakugo who was already staring daggers at him. Izuku sighed and looked back at All Might.

"Bakugo, your group will be the villains and Midoryia, your group will be the heroes." All Might said. "Find the bomb and please keep property damage to a minimum."

By the look in Bakugo's eyes, Izuku wasn't sure that was going to be an easy promise to keep. The two groups began to plan, congregating with their partners while the rest of the class went into the waiting room with All Might. The "villains" then were sent inside to guard the bomb.

"Kacchan will most likely be going after me, so unless I'm able to subdue him fast, you need to go ahead to the bomb. My bet is that Iida will be more careful and will be guarding it, so you are gonna have to either stay put up there or sneak past him while I fight." Izuku whispered to Uraraka. She nodded and they turned to the building.

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