Attack on USJ (Pt.3)

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"You guys need to get out of here now! Go get help!" Izuku said, motioning for Tsuyu and Mineta to leave him. Tsuyu shook her head, "No! We can't just leave you Midoryia!"

"You heard him. He's after me. You need to get help, now!" Izuku said, using his powers to fling them away from him and setting them down at the base of the stairs close to the exit. Shoji, Ojiro, Mina, and Sero were all at the top tending to Thirteen who was injured badly. There was no sign of the portal villain. Izuku made sure Tsuyu and Mineta started running up the stairs before turning his attention to the monster in front of him.

He tried erasing its quirk but it remained in the same form that it was in. There's no way this freak is naturally that strong. Izuku used his telekinesis to lift the monster off of the ground. The creature that the man called Nomu just stared back at Izuku with empty eyes, as if it had no train of thought. Izuku's head began to ache due to him trying to lift the Nomu's weight.

The man with the hands all over his body watched Izuku struggle with keeping his Nomu suspended in the air. Izuku noticed and quickly flung the Nomu towards him. Another wave of sharp pain flooded Izuku's head, causing him to clench his head with his hands. The man had managed to dodge his attack and the Nomu was already standing back up. Aizawa was laying on the ground behind them, so they couldn't see him beginning to move again. I just need to keep them busy for as long as I can until the other heroes arrive. Izuku looked up at the exit doors, since the portal villain was gone maybe that meant one of the his classmates had managed to escape and get some help.

Izuku's thoughts were cut short as the Nomu slammed its fist into his side. Izuku went flung towards against the wall behind the building he was originally hiding behind. He let out a pained groan as he got to his feet. Even though his body was telling him not to, he used his quirk to float himself to the top of the building in front of him. It wasn't that tall but it definitely bought him some time.

"You should really pay attention in fights like these, ya know?" The man said, as he walked closer to the building. "You don't want to get yourself hurt right? Just surrender and I won't have to kill anybody else today. It's obvious that All Might won't be showing anyways, so let's not make today a complete failure." He snapped his fingers and the Nomu jumped forward, clearing the building in one bound. It moved so fast that Izuku didn't have enough time to dodge it as it knocked Izuku off the roof and onto the ground.

The man began to approach him as he laid on the floor. Izuku mustered some of his strength that he still had to lift the man and toss him towards the wall. The Nomu caught him however before he could hit the ground. Izuku cursed under his breathe, his head spinning.

Suddenly a portal appeared next to the Nomu. The portal had eyes in it as it spoke to the man. "Shigoraki, one of the students managed to escape. I believe that we have only a few minutes before the pros arrive."

Shigoraki began to scratch his neck vigorously and turned Kurogiri. "I swear, if you weren't our only way out of this, I would disintegrate you right now!" He turned to the Nomu, "Finish things up now!"

The Nomu began to walk towards Izuku again, it's eyes absent of any kind of emotion. Izuku tried to push himself up but fell back down to the cold floor. I think some of my ribs broke in the fall. His head threatened to explode and his vision was already getting blurry from the overuse of his quirks combined with a possible concussion. The Nomu was a few feet away when a scarf suddenly wrapped around Izuku's waist. He was pulled past Shigoraki and the Nomu, and into Aizawa's arms.

"Aizawa?" Izuku said weakly, his voice scratchy. Aizawa was already sprinting towards the stairway where some of the other students were.

"It's okay Midoryia. Save your strength." Aizawa said, looking down at him. Izuku couldn't understand how Aizawa was still moving, his clothes were torn and he had a nasty gash underneath his right eye.

"Aizawa, you're hurt bad. You shouldn't be worrying about me right now." Izuku said, trying to pry himself out of his arms to no success. Instead, Aizawa held tighter. He didn't look down at Izuku, instead he kept sprinting. He could hear what he could only assume was the Nomu running after them, starting to catch up. Shit, am I gonna have to fight that thing with Izuku in the condition he's in?" Aizawa thought to himself, preparing his body for another attack. That's when a wall of ice shot up behind him, blocking him from the Nomu.

Aizawa turned around fast to see Todoroki, Bakugo, Kirishima, and Kaminari running towards them. "Good work Todoroki." Aizawa praised him as they approached. Todoroki nodded, looking back at the wall, "It won't held them long though."

"What happened to Izuku?" Kirishima said, seeing how beat up he was.

"The main villain, Shigoraki, thought his erasing quirk would be useful, and ordered the Nomu after him. I need you to get him to safety with the rest of the students now!" Aizawa said, holding out Izuku to them. Bakugo was the first one to step forward to grab Izuku out of Aizawa's arms. Izuku had closed his eyes, hoping the room would stop spinning as his head continued to throb. Aizawa began to head back towards the villains before Kirishima grabbed his arm. "You can't fight them in the condition you are in. Come with us and we can all get out while the rest of the pros arrive."

Aizawa smiled but pulled away from Kirishima's grip. "What kind of hero would I be if I cowered away while my students were still in danger." He then used his gear to propel himself over Todoroki's ice wall and disappeared over the top.

"Come on guys, we have to go!" Kaminari said, running towards the stairs. The other students had noticed them and were calling for them to run. Todoroki followed after him, accompanied by Bakugo and Kirishima. Bakugo looked down at Izuku in his arms.

"Damn it nerd. Don't you know when to fucking run instead getting yourself killed?" Bakugo said angrily with a hint of worry in his voice.

"That's rich coming from the kid who tried to obliterate him like a week ago." Todoroki retorted, not bothering to look back.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU HALF-AND-HALF BASTARD." Bakugo growled at back. Kaminari and Kirishima laughed silently as they neared the stairs.

Uraraka and Momo were the first ones to reach them. Uraraka touched Izuku and made him float out of Bakugo's arms and up the stairs were Jiro set him on the ground. Bakugo looked a little annoyed with the girl but shook it off and ran upstairs with the others while Momo filled them in about how Iida had escaped to find help.

They had just reached the top of the stairs when a portal formed in front of the entrance.

"Give us the boy." Kurogiri said, expanding towards them.

"Why don't you go fuck yourself." Bakugo said, lifting Izuku up onto his shoulders. Kurogiri laughed before releasing some of the villains at the bottom of the stairs through the portal.

"Everybody get down!" Kaminari said as he run in front of them. Momo created a giant tarp and placed it over the class. Kaminari used his quirk to send a electrical wave of energy into the villains. The villain's screamed out in pain as they began to drop. Jiro yelled to him from under the tarp, "Kaminari, don't use all your energy or-"

Kaminari then turned to them with drool coming out of his mouth while he had a goofy grin. He held up his two hands in a thumbs up and giggled.

"You turn into an idiot." Jiro sighed, giving herself a face palm.

Tokoyami used dark shadow to pull Kaminari back towards the group as they came out from underneath the tarp. The villains that came out of the portal were all out cold on the ground, but Kurogiri still stood in their way of the exit. "You aren't going anywhere." He said, beginning to expand more.

Everybody prepared themselves to fight while Bakugo set Izuku down behind them. Tsuyu stayed with him while Bakugo went with the others. They were about to attack first when the entrance door then flung open. Kurogiri turned around right as the pros ran in. One of the pros managed to grab onto his neck brace that protected the part of his body that couldn't turn into a portal and flung him to the ground, effectively pinning him. The students then rejoiced in relief as they heard the familiar words, "THERE IS NO NEED TO FEAR, BECAUSE I AM HERE!"

1555 Words

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