Gran Torino

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Midoryia's POV

The train ride to Gran Torino's house was a long one, not to mention it took me a while to find his exact house. I stood in front of the door to an older looking house. I take a deep breathe before hesitantly raising my hand. My knuckles knocked hard against the wooden door. I stood back and waited for a response. Nothing. I wait a minute before trying it again, a little harder this time. Still nothing. Maybe he can't hear me? Mr. Aizawa did say he was pretty old.

I wrapped my fingers around the door knob before slowly turning it. I pulled the door towards me causing it to make a soft click as it opened. I peered my head in.

"Gran Torino? It's me...Izuku Midoryia. I'm here for the internship?"

I scanned the dark room, my eyes straining to see anything. I opened the door further, allowing the outside light to stream into the house. That's when my eyes landed on the body in the middle of the room. There was an elderly man laying on the ground, appearing to be covered in his own blood.


The man peeked his head up quickly, "I'm not dead."

"HE'S NOT DEAD!" I clutched my chest, trying to slow my breathing. What the hell?!

The man jumped up from where he was laying. "Whoops, looks like I spilled my snack all over me." He swiped his finger on his shirt before licking the red substance off of it. He looked at me. "So... who are you?"

"Oh um, I'm Izuku Midoryia. I'm here for the internship?" I managed to say after I caught my breathe. The man tilted his head at me.


"Uh, Izuku Midoryia?"

"Why're you here?"

"The internship."

"What internship?"

I could feel myself getting a headache. This guy's fucking crazy. "Mr. Aizawa sent me to be an intern for you since I'm part of UA's hero course."

The man had his hand up to his chin, as if he was thinking. "Makes sense. Alright come in." He began walking towards his kitchen, humming softly to himself. I quickly grabbed my bags and stepped into the house. I flipped on the light switch, illuminating the once dark room.

"So, when do we begin?" I asked him, setting my bags down next to the couch in the middle of the room. The man turned to look at me.

"Begin what?"

"The internship." I could feel my irritation beginning to grow. I'm going to end up going crazy if this keeps up.

"Right now." Gran Torino answered, walking towards me.

"O-Okay, what do I do?"

Gran Torino smiled smugly before crouching down. "You just have to lay one hit on me in 5 minutes."

"Really? That's it? One hit?" I asked him, a little confused. Torino nodded, "Yep, that's all you gotta do."

"Okay then, when do we start?"

"Now." The moment the word came out of the old man's mouth he was already on the move. His quirk allowed him to propel himself around the house with ease. "Don't be nervous about breaking anything, just got all out."

I tried to follow him with my eyes but his movements were too fast. I heard him chuckle.

"Trying to erase my quirk? Aizawa told me you had the same ability as him. I also heard you had different branches to your quirk though. You need to learn to stop focusing so much on your limit and more on the task at hand." Gran Torino stated as he continued to zoom around the room. "You need to erase my quirk in order to stop me but you also need to stop me in order to even see me. So...what're you going to do?"

The old man was right. I depended on my erasing quirk a lot in battle, so I need to figure out a way to use my other strengths in order to stop him long enough to subdue him.

I felt a sharp pain shoot through my side as the man landed a hit on me. "Come on kid, you've got 3 minutes left and all you've done is stand there."

I needed to get moving. I thought for a moment trying to think of a plan. He seemed to be bouncing off of the walls and ceiling, so I just had to block his path. I immediately activated my telekinesis quirk, causing certain objects around the house to begin to float. I had to make this place a mine field.

I sent objects flying to different parts of the room, causing Gran Torino to have to resort to maneuvering around them. He began to slow down as he used up more energy trying to avoid the obstacles. He was still going fast enough remain a blur. I lifted my objects into the air, hoping to cover more ground. I could hear his breathing growing heavier as he continued to dodge.

That's when he made his first mistake. One of his feet managed to clip one of the obstacles, causing him to became off balanced. His back hit the wall but he was immediately back into a fighting stance. That's what I had been waiting for. In that small amount of time that he had finally stopped moving I managed to activate my quirk. My eyes began to emit a soft green color as the old man's quirk was erased.

Gran Torino let out a startled noise before he fell to the ground. I quickly made him float before he could make contact with the floor. I hurried over to him and placed my hand on his chest.

"There," I breathed heavily, "I touched you."

Gran Torino smiled widely before pointing to his watch. It had been 7 minutes. I had lost.

I groaned as Gran Torino got to his feet.

"Nice try kid, but you were still too slow. You need to learn how to strategize faster than that. If this was a real battle, you'd be dead. You're lucky I only decided to land one hit on you or else you what've been on the floor by now." The old man lectured me, bonking me on the head with his fist.

"Sorry, I promise to work harder." I mumbled, rubbing my head.

"Don't worry about it kid, that's what this week is for anyways. You'll have time to increase you're skills during your time with me." He stated before looking up at the clock on the wall. "Besides, it's getting late. It's about time you head to bed, we can continue this in the morning."

"But sir it's only 6:00-"

"I said go to bed!"

"Yes sir!" I quickly grabbed my bags and he lead me to my room I would be staying in. I flopped down on the bed and sighed. I wonder how the others are doing.

1155 Words

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