UA Sports Festival: Coming To An Understanding

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Izuku's POV

Aizawa stood in front of me as I opened the door. He looked worried as I stumbled towards him. I rubbed my eyes, my headache wasn't as bad anymore, I was just a little dizzy.

"Mr. Aizawa?" I asked, wondering what he was doing here instead of accompanying Present Mic in the announcers box. "Aren't you supposed to be announcing?"

He dodged my question by answering it with a question of his own, "Izuku are you okay?"

I looked at him confused before nodding my head slowly. "Yeah of course. Why do you ask?"

Aizawa shot me a look that said "Is that even a question?"

"I know we've been training you to keep with stand a longer limit but Izuku... you can't hold that much weight for that long of time, especially since you've already been suing your quirk all day already."

"I'm fine, I promise." I quickly assure him. He shook his head before I could say anything else.

  "I don't know if I want you to compete in this last round." Aizawa stated bluntly. I looked at him, trying to see if he was being serious or not. Of course, he was.


  "I can't have you push yourself over the edge again if it's not necessary."

  "I won't though! Sir please, I need to see this thing all the way through! I've worked too hard to not finish what I've started." I pleaded with him, trying to read his face. It seemed like he was having an internal battle with himself as he looked down at the ground in front of my feet.

  "Izuku, if you get hurt again, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself." His eyes were begging for me to understand but I just couldn't. I shook my head.

  "Please. This is the final round. Let me finish this." I knew I wasn't being fair. He just wanted to protect me, but I couldn't bring myself to give in. Aizawa let out a defeated sigh and nodded his head. His eyes shot back up to mine quickly as he put his hand on my shoulder.

  "Fine, I will allow you to finish this tournament BUT if I think for a second that your limit has been pushed, I'm pulling you."

  I nodded my head in agreement, "Fair enough."

  Aizawa patted my shoulder before walking back down the hallway. He got about halfway before he turned back to me.

  "You're doing great out there. I'm proud of you."

  He then went around the corner, disappearing from sight. I couldn't help but smile at his words as I stumbled my way to Recovery Girl's room.

  Recovery Girl used her quirk to heal my headache and gave me some pills just in case. I thanked her, waving goodbye as I left her office. I turned to start walking down the hall when I bumped into another student.

  "Oh I'm so sorry-" I apologized before looking up to see who I was talking to. Todoroki stared back down at me. Shit. "Oh hey Todoroki."

  "Midoryia, I need to talk to you." Todoroki said. He didn't said angry like earlier so that was a good thing.

  "Oh okay, what's up?"

  Todoroki stood against the wall of the hallway while I stood a few feet away from him. He looked up and down the hall to make sure no one was near us before beginning.

  "I've come to a realization about your powers lately Midoryia."

  "O-Oh how so?" I stutter, laughing nervously. Todoroki stared at his hand, turning it over as he spoke.

  "I've noticed that you and Mr. Aizawa's quirks are practically the same, you just happen to be able to use it in a different way."

  "Yeah there's been reports of multiple people with the same quirks before."

  Todoroki shook his head. "Not this close though." He lowered his hand and looked at me. I could feel my body run cold. Does he really know about us? I prepared myself as Todoroki's mouth opened once again.

  "Midoryia, tell me. Are you Aizawa's secret love child or something."

Am I...WHAT?

  I wave my hands frantically in the air in front of me, "What? No, of course not. It's not like that!"

  "So there is something going on though." Todoroki said, sighing before looking at his left hand.

  "My father is the number 2 hero, second only to All Might. I've always been expected to follow in his footsteps and surpass him, but I'm not like my father." Todoroki paused, looking back up to me. "That's why I refuse to use my left side in a fight. My left side is the piece of me that he gave me, and I cannot accept that. That's why I plan on beating you with just my right side. I will win this Midoryia."

  "Todoroki-" He waved me off, walking down the hallway and out of view. I knew this competition meant a lot to him, and now I know why.

  "Deku!" A voice screamed behind me. I turned around quickly to see Iida and Uraraka running towards me.

  "Oh hey guys. What's wrong?"

  "You're about to go on dude!" Uraraka sputtered, visibly out of breathe.

  "What?!" I looked at my phone to see that I was supposed to be competing in less than 5 minutes. I didn't realize I was in Recovery Girl's office for that long.

  "Oh shit. Thanks guys!" I quickly ran past them and back towards the directions of the doors that entered into the field.

  "Goodluck Deku!" Uraraka cheered behind me.

  "And watch your language! We are at a school facilitated event!" Iida yelled after her.

  I laughed to myself as I went around the corner and towards the door. I was greeted by a worker who told me to wait there until it was time to enter. I nodded and stood in my place, watching the timer above the door tick down to 0:00.

  It rang softly, alerting the worker to open the doors and I walked down the tunnel towards the field.

  "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN HERE COMES THE FIRST COMPETITORS OF ROUND 3!!!" Present Mic echoed through the stadium.


I reached the designated area and came to a stop, the purple haired boy standing in front of me. He had a shit-eating grin plastered on his face as he stared at me.

I got this. Aizawa is counting on me.

  "And.... BEGIN!"

1082 Words

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