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3rd Person POV

Endeavor's eyes swept over the trio before falling on Todoroki and Midoryia. He's expression darkened slightly as his eyes traced over Midoryia's body.

"Shoto, I would like to have a word with you and your...friend." He put emphasis on the friend part, saying it in a way that almost sounded disgusted. Midoryia caught onto this right away and immediately felt the atmosphere in the room change. What could he have possibly done to the number 2 hero?

Todoroki rolled his eyes and followed his old man to one of the empty rooms of the house, Midoryia trailing behind them. The room they  occupied appeared to be some sort of training room, with punching bags and dumbbells scattered all over the place. Endeavor shut the doors behind them, before turning to face the duo.

He thrusted his finger forward harshly towards Midoryia, anger apparent in his face. "What the hell is this boy doing in MY house Shoto?"

Midoryia couldn't help but take a step back at the hatred in his voice. He looked to Todoroki, expecting him to have the same confused face as he did but instead Todoroki seemed to know exactly what Endeavor was talking about.

"He's my friend! Unlike you, I actually care about the people around me." Todoroki spat back.

"T-Todoroki, what's going on?" Midoryia asked, trying to steady his voice. Endeavor snapped his eyes back to the greenette.

"Do you not think about anyone but yourself?" He growled, taking a step towards the boy. "You have a damn bounty on you by one of Japan's most feared villains and you think it'd okay to hang around your friends and put them in danger as well?!"

Midoryia froze. He hadn't thought about it that way before. Was he really jeopardizing the safety of everyone around him?

"I-I'm sorry. I hadn't thought about it like that-"

"Of course you haven't! Your just a stupid kid who just happens to have a decent quirk. It's a surprise that they would let someone as stupid as you to join the hero program to begin with!" Endeavor sneered, taking yet another step forward. Midoryia continued to back up, but his foot caught one of the dumbbells, causing him to fall backwards. He wheezed as he landed hard on his back.

"That's enough!" Todoroki stepped in front of Midoryia, shielding him from the angry hero.

"It's time for him to leave. I won't allow my family to be put in danger. Especially not you Shoto, you're too valuable to get caught up in something like this right now."

"Shut the hell up!" Todoroki seemed to instinctively lower himself into a fighting stance without even noticing.

"N-No, he's right." Midoryia spoke up finally.

"Midoryia don't listen to him-" Todoroki tried to say but Midoryia brushes him off as he stood up.

"It's fine. I should get going. Aizawa will be here soon anyways." Midoryia couldn't keep his voice from cracking as he spoke, only causing him to get more flustered. Todoroki tried to reach out to him but Midoryia quickly made his exit, going back to the room where all his notes were.

He quickly picked up his notes into his backpack, ignoring Iida's words of concern as the boy noticed how distressed his friend looked.

"I'll just see you guys tomorrow." Midoryia mumbled out as he made his way to the front door. Fuyumi stopped him just before he could reach the handle, grabbing his arm softly.

"I'm so sorry about him. It really was a delight to have you here. Thank you so much for being Shoto's friend." She said, trying to muster up a fake smile.

Midoryia nodded softly before pulling away. "Thank you."

With that, he opened the door and stepped out into the warm night air. As he closed the door, he couldn't hear the faint screaming of Todoroki and Endeavor still going at each other. He reached his hand up to wipe away a stray read that had managed to escape from his eye. 

Maybe Endeavor's right though. As long as I'm around the people I love, I am putting them in danger. I'm being selfish to think anything different.

"Maybe it's just for the best if I just stay on my own."

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