UA Sports Festival: Finding a Team

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3rd Person POV

  The remaining students approached the stadium where Midnight was waiting for them. She stood in front of a large screen,  each of their names listed on it in the order that they placed. Midoryia's name was at the top of the charts followed by Todoroki and Bakugo.

  "Congratulations for making it to the 2nd round competitors!" Midnight announced to the group. "Now it's time for your next challenge!"

  The students cheered and whooped in celebration. Kendo nudged Midoryia with her elbow, smiling at him happily. Todoroki was standing a little ways away from them, staring at Midoryia with not anger but frustration. "Quiet down!" Midnight yelled over the students' screams.

  The crowd quieted down and turned their attention back up to the heroine. "Thank you. Now, here is how this is going to work. You're next challenge will be a Calvary Race! You will assemble into groups of four. One of you will be the rider, while the other three will carry you. You will all also be assigned points based off of how you did in the last competition. If you placed high, you will have a higher amount of points." Midnight instructed motioning to the screen. "You will each be given a headband that symbolizes how many points you have. You will be able to steal points from other teams by stealing their headbands and wearing them around your neck. However, if your rider falls off or if you intentionally make another team fall, you will be disqualified! Now, please turn your direction to the screen to see your points."

  The points began to count up from last place up. The last place person only had 5 points, the next having 10, and so on. "If it keeps counting up in the pattern that it is right now, then I shouldn't be that many points ahead compared to everyone else." Midoryia muttered to himself. He watched as the points reached Bakugo, then Todoroki, before ending on him. The crowd fell silent.


  Midoryia looked around him, feeling the eyes of his fellow competitors staring into him. "Okay! Now that that is taken care of, you now have 15 minutes to find a team, starting now!"

  Everybody immediately went in the opposite direction of Midoryia, even Kendo. "Sorry Midoryia, I have to stay ahead too." She waved to him before running off to find her own team.

  Shit! Everybody will be more focused on stealing each other's headbands so it would only make sense to not be on the same team as the guy with the most points when you could just steal it!

Midoryia mumbled to himself, desperate to find a team. "Heyyyyy Ojiro-"

  "Sorry Midoryia." Ojiro replied sheepishly, quickly hurrying the other way.

  "What am I going to do?!"

  Suddenly a familiar voice rang through the air. "Deku! Let's team up!" Uraraka shouted running towards him. "ARE YOU SURE? ALL THE OTHER TEAMS WILL BE COMING FOR ME AND MY STUPID 10,000,000 POINTS!" Midoryia blurted out.

  Uraraka laughed, nodding her head. "Yeahhh the point difference might be a little tricky but it's better to team up with people that you like, right?"

  Midoryia's face flushed as he stuttered, "Y-Yeah! That's r-right!"

"Hey! Guy in first place! Let me join your group!" A female voice shouted from behind him. Midoryia and Uraraka turned around quickly to see a pink haired girl with goggles on her head waving them down.

  "Hey I remember you!" Uraraka replied as the girl approached them. "You're the girl with the weird inventions."

  "My BABIES are not weird! They're beautiful, and they could be useful for your team!" The girl sneered back, obviously taking offense towards Uraraka's comment. 

  "What's your name anyway?" Midoryia asked. She must have been behind me in the race, I didn't even notice her. The girl stuck at her hand and shook Midoryia's hand roughly. "The name is Mei Hatsumi, but you can call me Hatsumi!"

  She pulled out her equipment revealing many different selections. "We can use any one of these, just let me be on your team so I can show them off to the world!"

  Midoryia wasn't sure but agreed to let her join. It was very unlikely that anyone else would just walk up to him asking to join his team, considering how much he was worth. "Now what Deku?"  Uraraka asked him, tilting her head. "We still need one more person."

  Midoryia nodded his head, "And I know exactly who to recruit."

770 Words

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