Where's Midoryia?

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Todoroki's POV

My eyes opened slowly as I looked around the room I was in. My mind felt fuzzy as I tried to remember how I got there. That's when everything from last night rushed back to me. I bolted up in my bed. "Gin."

"Who?" A voice said from the side of me. I turned my head to see an old man sitting cross criss in the chair next to me.

"You're who Midoryia was interning with, right?" I asked him. He nodded and hopped out of his seat, reaching a hand out to me.

"Yep, I'm Gran Torino." The man stated as he shook my hand.

"Gran Torino." I said softly to myself. I don't think I've heard the name before. He must be an older pro. I shook my head quickly, trying to get myself back on task.

"I need to see Midoryia."

Gran Torino looked at me in confusion. "I talked to one of the doctor's on the way in. Real nice lady actually. She said that Midoryia was transferred to a different hospital. Can't remember her name though."

I could feel my heart pounding. "Was it Gin?"

"Yeah! I think it was. I assume you already met her from last night?"

I shook my head as I tried to stand up from my bed. I ripped the IV out of my arm. Speaking of my arms, there were bandages wrapped all around them from the cuts I had endured. "We need to find Midoryia."

Gran Torino's facial expression changed from confusion to worry. "I just told you that they transferred him to a different hospital."

"Oh yeah, did they happen to say which hospital?"

Gran Torino went to open his mouth to say something but then paused. "No, no they didn't."

"Stain had said something about Shigaraki mentioning Midoryia to him. Apparently he wants to use Midoryia for something, I just don't know what. I have a bad feeling that that Gin bitch knows something about it."

"Language young man. And what makes you think Gin has any idea about the League of Villians?"

"She looked at Midoryia like she knew him. It was as-if she recognized him from somewhere."

"Well, maybe she saw him during the sports festival."

"Then why did she lock me in my room when I confronted her about it?"

"Were you acting like this towards her? Because you seem a little agressive right now kid, maybe that's why."

I could feel myself growing more and more irritated with the old man. "I don't have time for this. Where's Iida?"

Gran Torino didn't seem very keen with my attitude but I didn't care. "He's down the hall, second door to the right."

"Thanks." I said roughly as I pushed past him and went through the door. I heard down the hallway, throwing open Iida's door and walking into his room.

"Oh hey Todoroki! Good to see you moving around." Iidea greeted me. His leg was wrapped in a thick bondages and he had bandages wrapped around his chest.

"Iida, we have to go." I said as I closed the door. behind me and closing the curtains. Iida raised an eyebrow at me.

"Why? Oh and how's Midoryia?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"No, apparently he was moved but Iida...I have a bad feeling."

Iida sat up straight in his bed, his eyes focusing on me as he pushed his glasses up. "What happened?"

"One of the doctor's claimed they transferred Midoryia but they didn't say to where."

"Then why don't we just ask them?" Iida suggested.

"It's not just that though. She acted like she knew Midoryia. I confronted her about it last night but she locked me in my room."

Iida put a hand to his chin as he thought to himself. "You don't think..."

"I don't know for sure. That's why I'm saying we need to find him."

Iida nodded, slowly easing himself to his feet. He walked with a small limp but I chose not to mention it.

"Let's go ask where he was transferred first, just to make sure we aren't overthinking anything. We DID have a long night afterall."

I nodded my head, "Yeah, you're right."

I opened the door for him as he walked slowly out of the room. We made our way to the front desk. There was nobody present so I rang that little bell on the counter. After a couple of seconds of no answer, I rang it again. I continued to do this until eventually a very annoyed man walked over to us.

"Can I help you?" He said through gritted teeth.

"Yes, we came with our friend here last night and we were wondering if you could tell us where he was transferred." Iida spoke up, stepping forward.

The man sighed as he sat down at the desk and started typing on his computer. "What was your friend's name?"

"Izuku Midoryia."

The man typed some more before his face turned to a frown. "Um, spell that for me real quick."

"I-Z-U-K-U  M-I-D-O-R-Y-I-A" I said stated quickly. The man's brows creased more when he pushed enter.

"Uh, there's no record of a Izuku Midoryia checking into this hospital."

"At all?" Iida asked, putting his hand on his counter and straining to look at the computer screen.

"Nope, it shows you two but that's it. Sorry for the inconvenience." He stated before getting up from the desk and returning back to the room where he came from.

"That's not good." A voice came from behind us. Iida and I turned around quickly to see Gran Torino standing behind us. He looked at me, "Sorry for doubting you kid. I'll get the other pros on this immediately."

"We can help." Iida stated but Torino lifted his hand up.

"No, we already lost one of you, I'm not going to risk losing you two as well. Stay here." He turned away from us and began walking out the front door. "Shota's going to kill me."

We watched as he disappeared from sight. Iida turned to me, a concerned look in his eyes.

"We aren't actually going to stay here, are we?"

"Not a chance."

978 Words

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