First Day of School

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Izuku sat in his desk, waiting for class to start already so he didn't have to talk to Bakugo anymore than he already had. His prayers came true as the classroom door flew open to reveal their teacher. Shota Aizawa walked into the classroom wearing a sleeping bag, trudging over to the teaching stand. "Good morning class." He said yawning. "My name is Mr. Aizawa and I will be your teacher."

There was whispering in the class, mostly a mix between students wondering who the man was and those who were excited to have Eraser Head as their teacher. "Settle down so we can get things over with." Aizawa said coldly, activating his quirk causing his hair to float above his head. The class quieted down and turned their attention back to him.

"Put on your school uniforms, we're going down to the training grounds." Aizawa said, before turning to the door. The boy with glasses stood up quickly and shot his hand into the air.

"BUT SENSAI, WE HAVE STUDENT ORIENTATION IN A COUPLE MINUTES!" The boy shouted. Izuku flinched at how loud he was. Ever since he inherited Aizawa's quirk, his headaches have increased in intensity but Aizawa has been helping him maintain them.

Aizawa turned to the kid, "It's not that important anyways. You'll never get ahead if you focus on little stuff like that." There was a pause before he then stated, "You have five minutes to get down there." Aizawa then left the classroom, closing the door behind him.

"FIVR MINUTES?!" The class shouted in unison, hurrying to the door. They did all manage to get down to the training grounds in time but it was only because they sprinted the whole way there. Aizawa had beat them there and was no longer wearing the sleeping bag. Instead he was wearing his usually hero costume. He told the students to line up and they obeyed, falling into a single file line.

"I know who y'all are and what your quirks are, but now is the time to introduce yourselves to your classmates. So one at a time, I want you to state who you are and what quirk you have." He pointed a girl that had fluffy pink hair and pink skin. "You go first."

The girl didn't hesitate and smiled happily. She turned to the class and waved, "Hi everyone! My name is Mina Ashido! My quirk is called Acid, I can excrete acid from my body!"

The boy with the glasses was next to go, "I am Tenya Iida! My quirk is Engine, I can form engines in my calves to increase my speed."

"The name's Denki Kaminari!", a boy with bright blonde hair stated, "My quirk is Electrification, I can generate electricity with my body."

"I'm Eijiro Kirishima, and my quirk is called hardening, it allows me to turn my body as hard as a rock!"

The rest of the class finished introducing themselves, eventually getting to Izuku. "Um my name's Izuku Midoryia, and my quirk is called Brainwave. I can control things based off of different kinds of brainwaves I can produce such as telekinesis and quirk erasing."

"Wow quirk erasing! No way! Lemme see, do it on me right now!" Mina said, holding her arms out. Izuku kind looked at her confused but shrugged and gave in. He activated his quirk and his hair began to give off a soft green glow. Mina immediately tried to use her acid but it was no use. "THAT'S SO COOL!" She squealed. Izuku blushed, looking down.

"Not as cool as mine of course!", Bakugo sneered, it was his turn to introduce himself. "My name is Katsuki Bakugo, and I'm probably the coolest one in the shitty class! My quirk is explosion!" He shouted, sticking his hand out and erupting a small flame from it. The class was amused by this and asked him to do it some more before Aizawa quieted them down.

"Now that we are all acquainted, let me see what you can do. We will be going through a series of tests to see how well your powers work." Aizawa said to the class. The class cheered.

"Sweet, we can finally use our quirks now! This is gonna be so much fun!"

Aizawa clearer his throat and then stated, "You will ranked from best to worst. The person who places last will be expelled."

This made everybody quiet down immediately. He can't be serious, Izuku thought to himself, mentally calling Aizawa's bluff. Aizawa pulled a softball out from his inside his jacket, holding it up.

"First test is to see how far you can throw this ball. I'm assuming you all know how to do that, correct?" Everybody nodded, "Perfect, who wants to go first?"

Bakugo pushed ahead of everyone, "I'll go first so these losers have something to strive for." Everybody mentally cursed at him but held their tongues. He definitely was not gonna be the class favorite. He grabbed the ball roughly from Aizawa and turned to the tree line at the end of the field, "Watch a learn brats!" Bakugo threw the ball as hard as he could, giving a small explosion behind it to send it farther. The ball soar through the air before falling just in front of the trees. Aizawa read the meter he had in his hand that read distance and stated the number it showed, "705 meters, impressive."

Bakugo snorted, "I know." He then stepped back in line. Aizawa glared at him, "Why am I a teacher again?", he thought to himself. One by one each student stepped forward, using their quirks to propel the ball through the air. When Uraraka stepped up, it was no surprise the ball disappeared into the sky. "Infinite?" Aizawa said, visibly confused. "How are we supposed to beat that?", the class thought in their heads. "Last but not least, Izuku, you are up." Aizawa gestured towards the ball on the ground.

Izuku picked the ball up and placed it in his palm before it began to levitate. He then used his power to copy what Uraraka had done with her ball. "Infinite again", Aizawa said, not showing emotion on his face but actually being really proud. "I can't act like I'm picking favorites otherwise Izuku and I will be discovered", Aizawa thought to himself. Izuku knew ahead of time the moment that Aizawa walked in as his teacher that he would have to act like he didn't know him otherwise the others would be suspicious. Izuku smiled and walked back into line.

Uraraka ran up to him fast and high-fived him. "Telekinesis powers for the win!", she declared excitedly. Izuku couldn't help but laugh and high-five her back.

The class moved onto the next test which was speed. This was a definite win for those with speed powers such as Iida or Bakugo. Uraraka and Izuku had the same idea and used their powers to levitate themselves at high speeds across the finish line, landing them both just behind 3rd place.

The rest of the tests were fairly easy and didn't take long to get through. Izuku's head was starting to hurt but he didn't want the others to notice so he tried not to show it on his face. Of course Aizawa knew though, and had already planned on giving him some Advil once they got back to class.

The students gathered back at the buildings to see who scored where. Of course Bakugo was first, followed by Todoroki, then Izuku, Iida, Uraraka, etc. The person who placed last was Mineta, a stubby kid who's powers gave him the ability to grow sticky purple balls off of his head. "NOOO HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO ATTRACT THE LADIES IF IM EXPELLED!"

He then began to cry while Asui, a girl with a quirk that gave her the abilities of a frog, slapped him with her tongue. "Pull it together ribbit", she said to him. The class turned to Aizawa who had a grin on his face.

"What're you smiling about!" Mineta demanded, tears still going down his face.

"I was lying about the expulsion. I just had to make sure you worked hard and didn't half-ass any of the test." Aizawa said, chuckling softly.

"You what?!" The class shouted.

"Uh it was kind of obvious." Momo said, giving the class a look. "Thank God someone else noticed", Izuku said to himself chuckling.

"Now, everybody head back up to the room. I know another teacher is supposed to give you another lesson in about 10 minutes so I would hurry." Aizawa stayed loudly, already walking towards the doors. The class quickly followed him inside, and took their seats in their chairs.

"You are probably all familiar with this hero already, considering the fact he is quite well known." Aizawa said, zipping himself back up into his sleeping bag. "So I'll let him take over."

With that, a loud bang come from the doorway as the door flew open, revealing the new teacher.

1509 Words

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